Develop > Tailoring > Advanced functions > Scripting > Diagramming the script flow

Diagramming the script flow

Develop a map of the entire flow showing the name of the form (if any) displayed by each panel and the conditions controlling the flow from panel to panel. Follow the map throughout the scripting process to avoid simple errors that could prevent your script from executing properly.

The first panel of this script provides an incident record number for your incident. The second panel displays a form requesting category and asset information. Depending upon the category selected, the third panel displays a category-specific form before exiting back into the common flow. Successive forms gather the remainder of the information needed to open the record: assignments, details, service agreements, and contacts. When the script exits, the new record containing all the data you accumulate opens and is added to the database.

Notice that the two conditional script panels for the hw.desktop and hw.mainframe categories display the same form. You can write a single condition statement to include all the categories using that form.

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Script flow