Upgrade > Upgrade the applications > Upgrade tasks on the development environment > Step 10: Perform additional manual tasks

Step 10: Perform additional manual tasks

This section lists changes that cannot be automated by the Upgrade Utility and changes that are required only for certain customers. Make these changes before testing and backing up your system.

Adopt the logical name solution

In previous versions of Service Manager, the logical.name field in the device table was used as both the unique identifier and display name for a CI, causing loss of CI data integrity across Service Manager modules and complexity of CI reconciliation between integration products (for example, Service Manager does not allow duplicate CI names while UCMDB does).

Service Manager 9.41 and later versions solves the problems described above with the logical name solution. Once you have upgraded to Service Manager 9.50 from an applications version prior to 9.41, you need to perform additional manual tasks to adopt the solution in your production environment. For a summary of this solution and details of these manual post-upgrade tasks, see the Service Manager Logical Name Solution white paper.

Adopt Smart Search

Service Manager 9.41 introduces Smart Search which enables you to search among a variety of content, including Service Manager records, SharePoint documents, static web pages, and KM documents. You can integrate multiple knowledge libraries by configuring different search connectors, so that users can search among the information that they can access.

Once you have upgraded to Service Manager 9.50 from an applications version prior to 9.41, follow these steps to make sure the login.DEFAULT format control record has the expected code for the Smart Search feature:

  1. Log on to your Service Manager server as a System Administrator.
  2. Click Tailoring > Format Control. Service Manager opens a blank Format Control Maintenance form.

  3. Type login.DEFAULT in the Name field, and then click Search.
  4. Click JavaScript.
  5. Check whether the following codes exist:

    var idolserver = new SCFile('idolserverinfo');
    var rc = idolserver.doSelect('true');
    if (rc === RC_SUCCESS) {
    		vars['$lo.idol.enabled'] = idolserver['enable'];
    		vars['$lo.idol.img.enabled'] = idolserver['image.enable'];
    		if (vars['$lo.idol.enabled']) {
    			vars['$G.kmsearchengine'] = 'IDOL';

    If these codes do not exist, you must type true in the Add field and then add these codes manually.

  6. Click Save and OK.

Adopt Chat

Perform the manual steps described in the "Deploy the chat server" task in either of the following topics:

Update the support.groups fields in the device table

Once you have upgraded to Service Manager 9.50, follow these steps to update the support.groups fields in the device table:

  1. Log on to your Service Manager server as a System Administrator.
  2. Click Tailoring > Database Dictionary.
  3. Type device in the File Name field, and then click Search.
  4. Click support.groups of the array type.
  5. Update the value in the SQL Table field to a1, and then click OK to save your changes.

    Note If a1 is already in use, use other values instead. For example, a2 or a3.

  6. Click support.groups of the character type.
  7. Update the value in the SQL Table field to a1, update the value in the SQL Type field to VARCHAR(60), and then click OK to save your changes. See the following screenshot as an example:


    • VARCHAR is the SQL type of a SQL server. Use VARCHAR2 for an Oracle server.

    • If a1 is already in use, use other values instead. For example, a2 or a3.
    • If the system displays the following error message, update VARCHAR(60) to a bigger size such as VARCHAR(100).

      Length (61 bytes) of data for field support.groups in SMSQLF3E5E54522D0397D0D08F6074 exceeds max (60 bytes), truncated (record.update,start)

  8. Click OK to save your changes and close the device table.

Caution If the device table contains more than 100,000 records, updating the support.groups fields may take more than one hour.

Additional manual migration tasks on Service Manager 9.50 Hybrid

After you have run the Service Manager 9.50 Applications Upgrade Utility to migrate your system to Service Manager Hybrid, you must complete a number of manual configuration tasks. Some tasks are optional, depending on how you want to configure your Service Manager Hybrid system. For detailed instructions, refer to Appendix A: Additional manual migration tasks on Service Manager 9.50 Hybrid.

Note Perform these manual migration tasks on the development environment only.