Upgrade > Upgrade the applications > Upgrade tasks on the development environment > Step 1: Duplicate the production environment

Step 1: Duplicate the production environment

To achieve the best results, develop and test the custom upgrade on a system that resembles your production environment as closely as possible.

To duplicate the production environment, follow these steps:

  1. Identify a server to use for the development and test environments.

    • Linux: You can copy the files to a new location on your production machine.
    • Windows: You must create the development system on a different machine from your production system.
  2. Ensure that adequate memory and disk space is available and accessible. Frequent backups are necessary.
  3. Ensure that your development and test systems meet all upgrade requirements. For more information, see Step 2: Meet the software requirements.

    • Upgrade your RDBMS to a version compatible with HPE Service Manager 9.50. See the HPE Service Manager 9.50 Support Matrix.
    • Convert your RDBMS code page to Unicode. See your RDBMS vendor documentation.
  4. Set up the environment of your development and test machines to resemble your production server as closely as possible. The operating system version and service pack level should match.
  5. Copy your existing production system data onto your development system.

    HPE recommends you use the native RDBMS backup utilities to back up your data. Refer to your RDBMS documentation for backup instructions.

  6. Install a Service Manager 9.50 run time environment on the duplicated system. Do not load the Service Manager 9.50 demonstration data files.
  7. Install a Service Manager 9.50 client on the duplicated system.