Step 6: View the upgrade results

While you are applying an out-of-box upgrade on the development system, the Upgrade Utility stores information regarding the upgrade result of each object. You can access this information in the Upgrade Utility through View Upgrade Results and Merge Conflicts.

To view the upgrade results, follow these steps:

  1. From the System Navigator, click System Administration > Ongoing Maintenance > Upgrade Utility > View/Merge Results.
  2. If you are upgrading from SM9.3x with PDCP3 installed or non-PD environment or SM9.4x Classic, you can see a wizard page. Select View Upgrade Results and Merge Conflicts, and then click Next.

    Note This screen appears only after Process Designer Hybrid migration.

  3. In the Result drop-down list, select the type of results you want to search for.

    Example: Renamed

    When you select a result type from the drop-down list, the description of that result type appears under the drop-down list.

  4. Click Search.
  5. A list is returned that displays all the result records of the specified type.

    Note Some types of results are only informational and do not require any follow-up action.

Description of upgrade results

The search criteria, search results, and a description of the applicable action for each result are described in the table below.

Field Definition
Object Type Enter the type of object you want to search for, or leave this field blank to return all object types. The object types you could search for include Applications Cluster, Object, Process, ScriptLibrary, displayoption, format, formatctrl, help, joindefs, link, scmessage, screlconfig, triggers, validity, and wizard.
Object Name

Enter the name of the object you want to search for, or leave this field blank to return objects with any name. The object name is typically the unique identifier in the database table specified for the object type.

The unique identifier for some object types (for example, format) may contain concatenate values of multiple fields according to the key setting in the signaturemake signature definition table.

Result: Added

Select this option to search for new objects that the Upgrade Utility added to the system. These objects did not exist in your system before this upgrade.

No further action is necessary for these objects.

Result: Already Current

Select this option to search for objects that were already the latest version.

No further action is necessary for these objects.

Result: Auto Merged

Select this option to search for objects that the Upgrade Utility automatically merged by using your local version, the out-of-box version and the upgrade version of the objects.

Note The result occurs only after applying the first out-of-box upgrade; it no longer occurs after applying the custom upgrade.

Required Action: If the object was not merged the way you expect, use the Revert or Mass Revert option from the options menu to revoke the auto-merge and merge the objects manually.

Result: Error

Select this option to search for objects that encountered an error while being updated by the Upgrade Utility. For more information about the error, review the sm.log and except.log files.

Required Action: Fix the cause of the error, or apply the upgrade again in a copy of your production system if it is needed.

Result: Forced

Select this option to search for objects that were not only tailored on your Service Manager system but also changed in the upgrade version. After the upgrade, your objects were automatically replaced with the objects in your custom upgrade package. The Upgrade Utility copied your object of the original version to its revision.

Note This result occurs only after applying the custom upgrade.

No further action is necessary for these objects.

Result: Kept Customer

Select this option to search for objects that were tailored on your Service Manager system but not changed on the upgrade version. These objects were not changed.

Note The result occurs only after applying the first out-of-box upgrade; it no longer occurs after applying the custom upgrade.

Tip If an object is Applications Cluster and you want to use the upgrade version, you can select Choose Upgrade. The object <object name> is then renamed to PRE<old version number><object name> and the object NEW950<object name> is renamed to <object name>.

No further action is necessary for these objects.

Result: Kept Customer Non-OOB

Select this option to search for objects that did not exist in the original version but were added on your Service Manager system, and also added on the upgrade version.

Note The result occurs only after applying the first out-of-box upgrade; it no longer occurs after applying the custom upgrade.

Tip If you want to use the upgrade version for the object, you can select Choose Upgrade. If the object is Application Cluster, the object <object name> is then renamed to PRE<old version number><object name> and the object NEW950<object name> is renamed to <object name>. If the object is not Application Cluster, the object NEW950<object name> is copied to replace <object name>. The result is then set to Replaced.

Required Action: Choose one of the following solutions for each object with this result.

  • Keep the old version — No further action is necessary.
  • Keep the new version — Select the object in the merge view and click Copy all from left to right on the toolbar.
  • Merge new and current versions — Determine which of the new features need be incorporated into your tailored object, and then modify the tailored object. When finished, delete the new object NEW941<object name> and the copied object PRE<old version number><object name>.
Result: Merged

Select this option to search for dbdict objects that were tailored on your Service Manager system, which Upgrade Utility has merged with the version in this upgrade.

Required Action: Test these objects, and when satisfied change their result to Reconciled.

Result: Previously Reconciled

Select this option to search for objects that were tailored on your Service Manager system, that were marked as Reconciled during a previous upgrade or patch release, or where your object was not changed and the Upgrade Utility added a new object NEW950<object name>.

Note The result occurs only after applying the out-of-box upgrade; it no longer occurs after applying the custom upgrade.

Required Action: Choose one of the following for each object with this result.

  • Keep the old version — No further action is necessary.
  • Keep the new version — Select the object in the merge view and click Copy all from left to right on the tool bar.
  • Merge new and old versions — Determine which of the new features should be incorporated into your tailored object, and then make the changes in your tailored object. When finished, delete the new object NEW950<object name> and the copied object PRE<old version number><object name>.

Tip If you want to use the upgrade version for the object, you can select Choose Upgrade. If the object is Application Cluster, the object <object name> is then renamed to PRE<old version number><object name> and the object NEW950<object name> is renamed to <object name>. If the object is not Application Cluster, the object NEW950<object name> is copied to replace <object name>. The result is then set to Replaced.

Result: Reconciled

Select this option to search for objects that you have already marked as Reconciled.

Note The result occurs only after applying the out-of-box upgrade; it no longer occurs after applying the custom upgrade.

No further action is necessary for these objects.

Result: Renamed

Select this option to search for objects that were not only tailored on your Service Manager system but also changed on the upgrade version. After upgrade, your tailored object was not changed, the Upgrade Utility added a new object NEW950<object name> and copied your tailored object as a backed up object PRE<old version number><object name>.

Note The result occurs only after applying the out-of-box upgrade; it no longer occurs after applying the custom upgrade.

Required Action: Choose one of the following for each object with this result.

  • Keep the old version — No further action is necessary.
  • Keep the new version — Select the object in the merge view and click Copy all from left to right on the tool bar.
  • Merge new and old versions — Determine which of the new features should be incorporated into your tailored object, and then make the changes in your tailored object. When finished, delete the new object NEW950<object name> and the copied object PRE<old version number><object name>.

Tip If you want to use the upgrade version for the object, you can select Choose Upgrade. If the object is Application Cluster, the object <object name> is then renamed to PRE<old version number><object name> and the object NEW950<object name> is renamed to <object name>. If the object is not Application Cluster, the object NEW950<object name> is copied to replace <object name>. The result is then set to Replaced.

Result: Upgraded

Select this option to search for objects that were automatically replaced with the upgrade version objects. These are objects that were not tailored on your Service Manager system, but changed on the upgrade version.

Note The result occurs only after applying the out-of-box upgrade; it no longer occurs after applying the custom upgrade.

No further action is necessary for these objects.

Result: Replaced

Select this option to search for objects that were not only tailored on your Service Manager system but also changed on the upgrade version and automatically replaced with the upgrade version objects. These objects have 3 types: RAD Application, ScriptLibrary with HPE Propertary and the objects that are necessary for Process Designer functionality. After upgrade, your tailored object was renamed to PRE<old version number><object name> and the Upgrade Utility added a new object <object name>.

Note The result occurs only after applying the out-of-box upgrade; it does not occur after applying the custom upgrade.

No further action is necessary for these objects.

Tip If you do not want to replace the objects, you may select Revert. If the object is Application Cluster, the object <object name> is then renamed to NEW950<object name> and the object PRE<old version number><object name> is renamed to <object name>. If the object is not Application Cluster, the object PRE<old version number><object name> is copied to replace <object name>. The result is then set back to Renamed, Previously Reconciled, Kept Customer or Kept Customer Non-OOB.

See the following table for some examples about how the upgrade result types are marked for an existing record.

OOB record (9.30) OOB record (9.33) Customer record (9.33) OOB record (9.5x) Upgrade
check sequence
Upgrade Utility
check condition
Conflict flag Upgrade result type Upgrade result value
111 112 112 112 1 Customer record (9.33) = OOB record (9.5x) No Already Current 112
111 112 112 113 2 Customer record (9.33) != OOB record (9.5x) and
Customer record (9.33) = OOB record (9.33)
No Upgraded 113
111 112 113 112 3 Customer record (9.33) != OOB record (9.5x) and
Customer record (9.33) != OOB record (9.33) and OOB record (9.33) = OOB record (9.5x)
No Kept Customer 113
111 112 113 114 4

Customer record(9.33)!=OOB record(9.5x) and
Customer record(9.33)!=OOB record(9.33) and OOB record(9.33)!=OOB record(9.5x)

Yes Renamed 113
    113 112 5 OOB record (9.33) does not exist and
Customer record (9.33) != OOB record (9.5x)
Yes Kept Customer Non-OOB 113