Publish Catalog Item


A catalog contains published catalog items for consumer fulfillment in the Service Portal.

A catalog item must be published into a catalog by the Organization Administrator before it can be ordered in the Service Portal.

The Organization Administrator can publish template items to one or more catalogs.


Publishing a Single Catalog Item

To publish a catalog item:

  1. From the Launchpad, click the Catalog Items application. The Catalog Items view is displayed.
  2. In the Catalog Items view, select Template Items (on the left side of the page).
  3. In the Catalog Items view, for the template item you want to publish, click and select Publish.
  4. In the Publish item to catalog dialog, select the catalog that will contain the published catalog item. (Only catalogs where the catalog item is not currently published are listed.)
  5. To finish and change your changes, click Publish.

The catalog item is published in the specified catalog and available for fulfillment in the Service Portal.

Publishing Multiple Catalog Items

The Organization Administrator can also publish multiple catalog items at one time in a batch operation.

To publish multiple catalog items in a batch:

  1. From the Launchpad, click the Catalog Items application. The Catalog Items view is displayed.
  2. In the Catalog Items view, select Template Items (on the left side of the page).
  3. Select the catalog items for the batch by clicking the radio button next to each catalog item. (You can also use the Select All radio button as a toggle to select all or none of the catalog items.)
  4. Click Publish.
  5. In the Publish item to catalog dialog, select the catalog to publish the catalog item in. (Only catalogs where the catalog items are not currently published are listed.)
  6. To finish and change your changes, click Publish.

All of the selected catalog items are published and available for consumer fulfillment.

Publishing a Catalog Item from Details View

To publish a catalog item from Details view:

  1. From the Launchpad, click the Catalog Items application. The Catalog Items view is displayed.
  2. In the Catalog Items view, select Template Items (on the left side of the page).
  3. Click on the template item you want to publish. The Details view opens.

    Notice the tabs above the catalog item name: Template, Catalog 1, Catalog 2, and so on. These indicate that the item is a template item as well as any catalogs where the item is already published.

  4. Click Publish.
  5. In the Publish item to catalog dialog, select the catalog that will contain the published catalog item. (Only catalogs where the catalog item is not currently published are listed.)
  6. To finish and change your changes, click Publish.


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