Administer > System Configuration Parameters > Enter a parameter in the server’s operating system command prompt

Enter a parameter in the server’s operating system command prompt

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

You can enter client and server parameters in the operating system command line. When you do this, prefix each parameter with a space and a dash (-).

To enter a parameter in the server’s operating system command prompt, follow these steps:

  1. Open the operating system command prompt, and then navigate to the directory in which the HPE Service Manager executable file is located. By default, the file is located in the C:\Program Files\HPE\HPE Service Manager <x.xx>\Server\RUN folder.
  2. Type the command and the parameters, as demonstrated in the following examples:
    • One parameter

      sm -<parameter_name>:<parameter_value>

    • Multiple parameters

      sm -<parameter_name>:<parameter_value> -<parameter_name>:<parameter_value>

Setting startup parameters from the server's operating system command prompt

Startup parameters that you set by using the server's operating system command prompt must always follow the sm command. Precede startup parameters with a dash (-) when you call them from the command line.

When you call a startup parameter from the server's operating system command prompt, use the following syntax:

C:\<installation directory>\RUN>sm -<start up parameter>:<setting>

For example, you type the following command:

C:\Program Files\HPE\ HPE Service Manager\Server\RUN>sm -httpPort:12345