Integrate > Integrate NNMi with Operations Manager i

Integrate NNMi with Operations Manager i

Operations Manager i (OMi) consolidates all IT infrastructure monitoring in a central event console, and relates the events to the IT services that depend on that infrastructure.

By integrating Operations Manager i (OMi) with NNMi, you can view network fault information captured by NNMi incidents in OMi's event browser and use the OMi console as a single center of control for your IT operations.

The NNMi-OMi integration provides the following capabilities:

  • Topology integration

    OMi stores NNMi-generated network topology information such as device name, interface name, and device IP address as Configuration Items (CIs) and includes these CIs in relevant views.

  • Events integration

    OMi displays NNMi incidents into the OMi Event Browser.

  • OMi > NNMi navigation

    You can configure the Workspaces > My Workspace page to display the NNMi console components like network maps and detailed information dialogs.

This topic contains the following sections:

Components of Integration

The NNMi-OMi integration requires the following components:

  • NNMi 10.30
  • OMi 10.00, 10.01, 10.10, 10.11, and 10.61
  • Operations Connector 10.01, 10.11

Prerequisite Tasks

  1. Install NNMi.
  2. Install OMi.
  3. Install the Operations Connector on the NNMi management server.

  4. Exchange certificates

    Skip this task if NNMi and OMi are configured to use only HTTP.

    Requirement for OMi 10.00 and 10.01: If you plan to integrate NNMi with OMi 10.00 or 10.01, make sure that the key length of the OMi certificate is at least 2048 bits.

    1. Log on to the NNMi management server as root or administrator.
    2. Check the certificate repository type.

      To check the type of certificate repository:

      1. Log on to the NNMi console.
      2. Click Help > System Information, and then go to the Server tab.
      3. Check the value of the property.

        If the property points to the nnm-key.p12 file, your environment has a PKCS#12 repository.

        If the property points to the nnm.keystore file, your environment has a JKS repository.

      Alternatively, do the following:

      1. On the NNMi management server, as root or administer, run the following command:

        • On Windows: %nnminstalldir%\bin\nnmprops -l
        • On Linux: /opt/OV/bin/nnmprops -l
      2. From the command output, note the value of the property.

        The value of this property indicates the type of certificate repository.

    3. Run the following command to export the NNMi certificate to a temporary file (for example, nnmi.cer).

      • For NNMi with a PKCS#12 repository:

        • On Windows: %nnminstalldir%\bin\nnmkeytool.ovpl -exportcert -alias <Cert alias> -keystore %nnmdatadir%\shared\nnm\certificates\nnm-key.p12 -storetype pkcs12 -storepass nnmkeypass -file C:\temp\nnmi.cer
        • On Linux: /opt/OV/bin/nnmkeytool.ovpl -exportcert -alias <Cert alias> -keystore /var/opt/OV/shared/nnm/certificates/nnm-key.p12 -storetype pkcs12 -storepass nnmkeypass -file /tmp/nnmi.cer
      • For NNMi with a JKS repository:

        When you use a JKS repository, you must use the keytool utility of the JDK that is configured to work with NNMi. The keytool utility is available in the bin directory under the home directory of the JDK.

        For easy access to the keytool utility:

        1. Determine the home directory of the JDK . The value of the com.hp.ov.nms.jdk.dir property in the file indicates the directory path.

          The file is available in the following directory on the NNMi management server:

          • On Windows: %nnmdatadir%\conf\nnm\props
          • On Linux: /var/opt/OV/conf/nnm/props
        2. Create an environment variable that points to the bin directory under the JDK home directory.

          For example, if the com.hp.ov.nms.jdk.dir property in above step shows /opt/OV/nonOV/jdk/zulu/zulu8.21.0.1-jdk8.0.131-linux_x64, set a new environment variable—for example, NNMi_JDK_BIN— that points to the /opt/OV/nonOV/jdk/zulu/zulu8.21.0.1-jdk8.0.131-linux_x64/bin directory.

        After setting the NNMi_JDK_BIN variable, run the following command:

        • On Windows: %jdkdir%\bin\keytool -exportcert -alias <Cert alias> -keystore %nnmdatadir%\shared\nnm\certificates\nnm.keystore -storetype jks -storepass nnmkeypass -file C:\temp\nnmi.cer
        • On Linux: $jdkdir/bin/keytool -exportcert -alias <Cert alias> -keystore /var/opt/OV/shared/nnm/certificates/nnm.keystore -storetype jks -storepass nnmkeypass -file /tmp/nnmi.cer

      In this instance, <Cert alias> is the alias of the NNMi certificate.

    4. Transfer the certificate to a temporary directory on the OMi gateway server.
    5. Log on to the OMi gateway server as root or administrator.
    6. Run the following command to import the NNMi certificate to the OMi trust store:

      • On Windows: <OMi_Home>\JRE\bin\keytool -import -keystore <OMi_Home>\odb\conf\security\server.truststore -storepass hppass -trustcacerts -file C:\temp\nnm.cer
      • On Linux: /opt/HP/BSM/JRE/bin/keytool -import -keystore /opt/HP/BSM/odb/conf/security/server.truststore -storepass hppass -trustcacerts -file /tmp/nnm.cer
    7. Run the following command on the OMi server:

      • On Windows: opr-cert-mgmt.bat -i <Cert alias> C:\temp\omi.cer
      • On Linux: -i <Cert alias> /tmp/omi.cer
    8. Run the following command on the OMi server to export the OMi certificate to a temporary file (for example, omi.cer):

      • On Windows: <OMi_Home>\JRE\bin\keytool -export -alias hpcert -keystore <OMi_Home>\odb\conf\security\server.truststore -storepass hppass -file C:\temp\omi.cer
      • On Linux: /opt/HP/BSM/JRE/bin/keytool -export -alias hpcert -keystore /opt/HP/BSM/odb/conf/security/server.truststore -storepass hppass -file /tmp/omi.cer
    9. Transfer the OMi certificate to a temporary directory on the NNMi management server.
    10. On the NNMi management server, run the following command to import the OMi certificate to NNMi's trust store:

      • For NNMi with a PKCS#12 repository

        • On Windows: %nnminstalldir%\bin\nnmkeytool.ovpl -importcert -alias hpcert -keystore %nnmdatadir%\shared\nnm\certificates\nnm-trust.p12 -file C:\temp\omi.cer -storetype pkcs12 -storepass ovpass
        • On Linux: /opt/OV/bin/nnmkeytool.ovpl -importcert -alias hpcert -keystore /var/opt/OV/shared/nnm/certificates/nnm-trust.p12 -file /tmp/omi.cer -storetype pkcs12 -storepass ovpass
      • For NNMi with a JKS repository

        • On Windows: %NNMi_JDK_BIN%\bin\keytool -importcert -alias hpcert -keystore %nnmdatadir%\shared\nnm\certificates\nnm.truststore -file C:\temp\omi.cer -storetype jks -storepass ovpass
        • On Linux: $NNMi_JDK_BIN/bin/keytool -importcert -alias hpcert -keystore /var/opt/OV/shared/nnm/certificates/nnm.truststore -file /tmp/omi.cer -storetype jks -storepass ovpass
    11. On the NNMi management server, run the following commands to restart the NNMi processes:

      1. ovstop -c
      2. ovstart -c

Enable the Integration

To enable the integration, follow these steps:

  1. Configure topology synchronization.

    To configure NNMi to forward its topology information to OMi, follow these steps:

    1. In the NNMi console, click Integration Module Configuration, and then click NNMi - BSM/UCMDB Topology. The NNMi - BSM/UCMDB Topology Integration Configuration page opens.
    2. On the NNMi - BSM/UCMDB Topology Integration Configuration page, do the following:

      1. Select Enable Integration.
      2. If NNMi uses the HTTPS protocol for communication, select NNMi SSL Enabled.
      3. In the NNMi User box, type the name of an NNMi administrator.
      4. In the NNMi Password box, type the password of the above user.
      5. If OMi is configured to use HTTPS, select BSM SSL Enabled.
      6. In the BSM Host box, type the FQDN of the OMi gateway server.
      7. In the BSM Port box, specify the communication port of OMi.
      8. In the BSM RTSM User box, type the user name of an OMi administrator.
      9. In the BSM RTSM Password box, type of password of the above user.
      10. Optional. Select Only synchronize managed objects if you want to exclude unconnected interfaces from the integration.

      11. Optional. Click More Options for finer grain control over the types of CIs to be included in the topology synchronization. The Additional Object Filtering Options page opens. The page enables you send the following attributes of discovered devices to OMi:

        • Subnets
        • Interfaces
        • Addresses
        • Cards
        • Ports
        • Connections
        • VLANs

        Click Submit after making the selection.

      12. In the Topology Synchronization interval box, type the interval at which OMi will synchronize its database with the NNMi topology data.
      13. Type a Rule bundle name that defines the set of rules used to identify impacted OMi CIs.

        You can also type a Rule severity level, which determines the impact analysis trigger severity when applying the rules.

    3. Click Submit.
  2. Configure NNMi to communicate with OMi through the Operations Connector.

    To configure NNMi to communicate with OMi through the Operations Connector, follow these steps:

    1. On the NNMi management server, generate an SNMP trap policy file:

      1. Verify that the NNMi services are running:

        ovstatus -c

        All NNMi services should show the state RUNNING.

      2. Generate the SNMP trap policy file by entering the following command:

        • On Windows: %nnminstalldir%\bin\nnmopcexport.ovpl -u <username> -p <password> -template "NNMi Management Events" -application "NNMi" -omi_policy -omi_hi
        • On Linux: /opt/OV/bin/nnmopcexport.ovpl -u <username> -p <password> -template "NNMi Management Events" -application "NNMi" -omi_policy -omi_hi

        In this instance, <username> and <password> are the credentials of an NNMi administrator.

        This command creates two files in the current directory:

        • <UUID>_data
        • <UUID>_header.xml

        Do not rename these output files. The <UUID>_data file includes a policy condition for each management event and SNMP trap configuration in the current NNMi incident configuration.

      3. To forward NNMi severity information to OMi, run the following commands:

        On Windows:

        1. findstr /V SEVERITY <UUID>_data > <UUID>_data_new
        2. robocopy /mov <UUID>_data_new <UUID>_data

        On Linux:

        1. grep -v SEVERITY <UUID>_data > <UUID>_data_new
        2. mv <UUID>_data_new <UUID>_data
      4. By using the Operations Connector console, import the <UUID>_data and <UUID>_header.xml files.
    2. Identify an available port for SNMP communications between NNMi and the Operations Connector. This port number must be different from the port on which NNMi receives SNMP traps.
    3. On the NNMi management server, run the following commands:

      On Windows:

      1. %ovinstalldir%bin\ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set SNMP_TRAP_PORT <custom_port> -set SNMP_SESSION_MODE NETSNMP
      2. %ovinstalldir%bin\ovconfchg -ns eaagt.integration.nnm -set OPC_SNMP_SET_SEVERITY TRUE
      3. %ovinstalldir%bin\ovc -restart opctrapi

      On Linux:

      1. /opt/OV/bin/ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set SNMP_TRAP_PORT<custom_port>-set SNMP_SESSION_MODE NETSNMP
      2. /opt/OV/bin/ovconfchg -ns eaagt.integration.nnm -set OPC_SNMP_SET_SEVERITY TRUE
      3. /opt/OV/bin/ovc -restart opctrapi

      In this instance, <custom_port> is the port that you selected in step c.

  3. Configure event integration.

    To configure NNMi to forward its incidents to OMi, follow these steps:

    1. In the NNMi console, click Integration Module Configuration, and then click OM. The NNMi - OM Integration Selection page opens.
    2. On the NNMi - OM Integration Selection page, do the following:

      1. Click OM Agent Implementation.
      2. Click New. The NNMi - OM Agent Destination form opens.
      3. Click Enabled, and then specify the following details:

        Field Description
        Port Specify the port that you identified in step c.
        Community String Specify public.
      4. In the Sending Options section, select the following options:

        • Management: Select this option if you want to forward only NNMi-generated management events to OMi.
        • SNMP 3rd Party Trap: Select this option if you want to forward only SNMP traps that NNMi receives from managed devices to OMi.
        • Syslog: Select this option if you want to forward SNMP traps that NNMi receives from managed devices.
      5. Select one of the following options:

        • Management: NNMi forwards only NNMi-generated management events to OMi.
        • SNMP 3rd Party Trap: NNMi forwards only SNMP traps that NNMi receives from managed devices
        • Syslog: NNMi forwards both NNMi-generated management events and SNMP traps
        • Lifecycle State Changes:

          • Enhanced Closed: This option enables NNMi to send an incident closed trap to OMi for each incident that changes to the CLOSED lifecycle state.

          • State Changed: This option enables NNMi to send an incident lifecycle state changed trap to OMi for each incident that changes to the IN PROGRESS, COMPLETED, or CLOSED lifecycle state.
          • Both: This option enables NNMi to send an incident closed trap to OMi for each incident that changes to the CLOSED lifecycle state. Additionally, the integration sends an incident lifecycle state changed trap to OMi for each incident that changes to the IN PROGESS, COMPLETED, or CLOSED lifecycle state.

            In this case, each time an incident changes to the CLOSED lifecycle state, the integration sends two notification traps: an incident closed trap and an incident lifecycle state changed trap.

          • Correlation:

            • None: With this selection, NNMi does not notify OMi of incident correlations resulting from NNMi causal analysis.
            • Single: This option enables NNMi to send a trap for each parent-child incident correlation relationship resulting from NNMi causal analysis.
            • Group: This option enables NNMi to send one trap per correlation that lists all child incidents correlated to a parent incident.

              Select this option if you also want events correlated in OMi.

          • Deletions:

            • Don’t Send: This selection stops NNMi from notifying OMi when incidents are deleted in NNMi.
            • Send: This option enables NNMi to send a deletion trap to OMi for each incident that is deleted in NNMi.
          • NNMi Console Access:

            The integration requires an HTTPS or HTTP connection to the NNMi console. Select the HTTPS or HTTP option.

          • Incident Filters:

            • None: With this selection, NNMi forwards all incidents to OMi.
            • Include: This option enables you to specify a list of OIDs; NNMi forwards only those incidents to OMi that match the OIDs in this list.
            • Exclude: This option enables you to specify a list of OIDs; NNMi forwards only those incidents to OMi that do not match the OIDs in this list.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. Optional. Configure NNMi to close incidents after the corresponding OMi events are closed.

    1. On the NNMi management server, run the following command:

      • Windows: %nnminstalldir%\bin\nmsconfigurebacksync.ovpl
      • Linux: /opt/OV/bin/nmsconfigurebacksync.ovpl

      When prompted to provide the user name and password, specify the credentials of an NNMi user with administrative privileges.

      In an application failover environment, make sure the above user is created with the same password on the standby NNMi management server as well.

    2. Windows only. Run the following command from the %ovinstall% directory:

      newconfig\HPNmsCommon\scripts\nnm-configure-perl.ovpl -source newconfig\HPNmsCommon\perl\a -target nonOV\perl\a

    3. Run the following command to restart the ombacksync process:

      ovc -restart ombacksync

    4. On the NNMi management server, use the nnmopcexport.ovpl script to regenerate each policy file for the new traps.

      After modifying these existing policies, the Operations Connector finds and runs new scripts that initiates automatic incident synchronization with OMi as it detects alerts being acknowledged.

    5. Import the policy files (*_header.xml and *_data) to the Operations Connector.
    6. Activate the new policy files in the Operations Connector.
  6. Enable NNMi visualization from OMi.

    If you want to see NNMi information in the My Workspace pane, follow these steps:

    1. In the OMi console, click Administration > Setup and Maintenance > Infrastructure Settings. The Infrastructure Settings page opens.
    2. Select Foundations, and then select Integrations with other applications.
    3. In the NNM table, locate and modify the following parameters:

      • NNM Integration URL: The NNMi FQDN and port number (<protocol>://<FQDN>:<port>/nnm).
      • NNM UI drilldown use global CI ID: Set to true if the NNMi topology integration is synchronized to a different RTSM or UCMDB.
  7. Optional. Configure single sign-on.

    To be able to seamlessly switch between NNMi and OMi, it is recommended that you configure single sign-on. To configure single sign-on between OMi and NNMi, follow these steps:

    1. Open the following file in a text editor:

      • Windows: %NNM_PROPS%\
      • Linux: $NNM_PROPS/
    2. Look for a section in the file that resembles the following:

      com.hp.nms.ui.sso.isEnabled =

      Make sure the com.hp.nms.ui.sso.isEnabled property is set to true.

    3. Search for the string initString.

      The initialization string is the value of the initString parameter without the quotation marks.

    4. Copy this string.
    5. In the OMi console, go to Administration > Users > Authentication Management.
    6. Under the Single Sign-On Configuration section, click Configure. The Single Sign-On Configuration wizard opens.

    7. In the Single Sign-On Configuration wizard:

      • Select Lightweight.
      • In the Token Creation Key box, type the value copied in step d.
    8. Follow the instructions in OMi Online Help for configuring other settings in the Single Sign-On Configuration wizard.

To verify that the integration is successfully established, check that the Event Browser of OMi shows open NNMi incidents, Layer 2 neighbor view, and Layer 3 neighbor view.

NNMi Object - CI Attribute Mapping

The integration maps the following NNMi objects to the following CI attributes in OMi:

  NNMi Node - Node CI Attribute Mapping

NNMi Node Attribute Node CI Attribute



System Name


System Object ID


System Contact


System Location


System Description


Device Model

  • NodeModel
  • DiscoveredModel

Device Vendor


Device Family






Capability: IP Forwarding (Layer 3)

Node Is Route

Capability: Virtual Machine

Node Is Virtual


  • Host Key
  • Host NNM UID


 NNMi Interface - Interface CI Attribute Mapping

NNMi Interface Attribute Interface CI Attribute

Physical Address















NNMi IP Address - IpAddress CI Mapping

NNMi IP Address Attribute IpAddress CI Attribute


  • IP Address
  • Name
  • IpAddressType
  • IpAddressValue


NNMi IP Subnet IpSubnet CI Attribute Mapping

NNMi IP Subnet Attribute IpSubnet CI Attribute


  • Name
  • IpAddressType
  • IpAddressValue

Prefix Length



 NNMi Card - HardwareBoard CI Attribute Mapping

NNMi Card Attribute HardwareBoard CI Attribute



Serial Number


Firmware Version


Hardware Version





NNMi Port - PhysicalPort CI Attribute Mapping

NNMi Port Attribute PhysicalPort CI Attribute



Port Index



NNMi Layer 2 Connection - Layer2Connection CI Attribute Mapping

NNMi Layer 2 Connection Attribute Layer2Connection CI Attribute




NNMi VLAN - Vlan CI Attribute Mapping

VLAN Attribute Vlan CI Attribute




  • Vlanid
  • Name

Use the Integration

To use the integration:

  1. Log on to OMi.
  2. Click Workspaces > Operations Console.
  3. Select a perspective to view NNMi data in the Events Browser.

You can also create a new page with NNMi components from the Workspaces > My Workspace > New Page menu.

You can also see the following CI types in the RTSM database:

  • InfrastructureElement > Node: The nodes in the NNMi topology.

  • InfrastructureElement > NodeElement> Interface: The interfaces associated with the Node CIs that the integration populates.

  • InfrastructureElement > NetworkEntity > IpAddress: The IP addresses of the interfaces associated with the Node CIs that the integration populates.
  • InfrastructureElement > NodeElement> HardwareBoard: The cards associated with the Node CIs that the integration populates.

  • InfrastructureElement > NodeElement> PhysicalPort: The ports associated with the Node CIs that the integration populates.
  • InfrastructureElement > NetworkEntity > IpSubnet: All subnets in the NNMi topology. Unless explicitly excluded, all subnets are provided to the database so that they are available for IP address relationships when node IP address CIs are created from the NNMi topology.
  • InfrastructureElement > NetworkEntity > Layer2Connection: The NNMi Layer 2 connections with at least two connection ends that the integration populates as Node CIs.
  • InfrastructureElement > NetworkEntity > Vlan: The NNMi VLANs with at one port that the integration populates as a Port CI.

Node Role Changes in NNMi

A device role might change from switch to a switch-router. Devices such as switches, routers, and servers are all defined as Node CI Types. The device type is identified by the Node CI’s NodeRole attribute. The NodeRole attribute is set to one or more of the following values:

  • hub

  • load_balancer

  • printer

  • router

  • server

  • lan_switch

  • voice_gateway

  • desktop
  • firewall
  • computer
  • network_appliance
  • wireless_access_point

The following table shows the mapping of NNMi Device Category to NodeRole attribute:

Device Category NodeRole Attribute Value
Hub hub
LoadBalancer load_balancer
Printer printer
Router router
Server server
Switch lan_switch
Switch_Router router, lan_switch
Voice Gateway voice_gateway
Workstation desktop
Firewall firewall
Computer computer
Network_Appliance network_appliance
Wireless_Access_Point wireless_access_point

Disable the Integration

To disable the integration:

  1. In the NNMi console, click Integration Module Configuration, and then click NNMi - BSM/UCMDB Topology. The NNMi - BSM/UCMDB Topology Integration Configuration page opens.
  2. Clear the Enable Integration check box.
  3. Click Submit.