

The first step to troubleshooting NNMi and iSPIs is to see the NNMi system health report. To open the NNMi system health report:

  1. Log on to the NNMi console as an administrator.
  2. Click Help > System Information > Health.
  3. Click View Detailed Health Report. A detailed report on all NNMi processes and services appears.

In addition, for detailed diagnosis and troubleshooting, you can use NNMi log files. These log files show a history of all NNMi processes and services and are available in the following directory:

  • Windows: %nnmdatadir%\log\nnm\
  • Linux: /var/opt/OV/log/nnm

Read the following sections for more information about troubleshooting NNMi with the help of log files, the health report, and other utilities.