Administer > Administer the NNM iSPI Performance for QA

Administer the NNM iSPI Performance for QA

The Quality Assurance Configuration console is a separate console that contains links to user interfaces for configuring the NNM iSPI Performance for QA specific objects. Examples of objects are sites, threshold, discovery filters, and regional managers. You can do the configuration task only if you have Administrator privileges. This console also gives the configuration summary details, which displays the statistic details of the configuration.

The following configuration tasks can be performed directly in the NNMi console:

  • Probe Configuration 
  • Probe Maintenance
  • Threshold configuration for Probes

The thresholds for probes can be edited in the Probe Specific Thresholds form in the Quality Assurance Configuration console.

Launch the Quality Assurance Configuration Console

To launch the Quality Assurance Configuration console:

  1. Log on to NNMi console using your user name and password.

    You must have administrator privileges.

  2. From the workspace navigation panel, select the Configuration workspace.
  3. Select Quality Assurance Configuration Console.

    The Quality Assurance Configuration console opens.

    The list of configuration links appear below the Configuration workspace in the left pane. They are grouped into four sections namely, Discovery Filter, Sites/QA Groups, Threshold Configuration, and Global Network Management.

    1. Probe Discovery Filter Configuration: You can configure a discovery filter to exclude the QA probes based on some of the attributes of the QA probe.
    2. QoS Discovery Filter Configuration: You can configure a discovery filter to exclude the QoS elements based on some of the attributes of the QoS element.
    3. Site (QA Probes) Configuration: You can configure sites for a global manager or a regional manager. By grouping the networking devices into sites, you can get an overview of the network performance.
    4. QA Group Configuration: You can configure a QA Group based on a specific NNM iSPI Performance for QA entity type and assign all probes that belong to the same group.
    5. Probe Specific Threshold Configuration: You can view the list of QA probes for which you have configured the threshold, and you can edit the probe-specific threshold, if required.
    6. QA Probes Threshold Configuration: You can configure thresholds for all the configured sites and QA Groups.
    7. QoS Threshold Configuration: You can configure thresholds for the available QoS elements in your network.
    8. Ping Latency Threshold Configuration: You can configure thresholds for the ping latency pairs in your network.
    9. Polling Frequency Configuration: You can apply the QA Group based polling frequency on all the QA Groups.
  4. Click the link in the left pane for configuration summary details.

    The configuration summary details appear as given below:

    1. Probe Discovery Filters

      Field Name Description
      Discovery Filters Enabled Displays the value True if discovery filters are enabled, otherwise displays the value False.
      Discovery Filters Indicates the number of discovery filters configured.
      Regional Data Forwarding Filter Indicates the number of regional data forwarding filter configured.
      Global Receiver Filter Indicates the number of global receiver filters configured.
    2. QoS Discovery Filters

      Field Name

      QoS Discovery Filter Indicates the number of QoS discovery filters configured.
    3. Site (QA Probes)

      Field Name Description
      Associations Enabled Displays the value True if the site associations are enabled, otherwise displays the value False.
      Total Sites Indicates the total number of local sites and remote sites configured in the NNMi management server.
      Remote Sites Indicates the number of remote sites configured.
    4. QA Group

      Field Name

      Probe based Indicates the number of probes-based QA groups configured.
      CBQoS based Indicates the number of CBQoS-based QA groups configured.
      PL Pair Based Indicates the number of Ping Latency pair-based QA groups configured.
    5. QA Probes Threshold

      Field Name Description
      Thresholding Enabled Displays the value True if threshold computation and association are enabled, otherwise displays the value False.
      Site Based Threshold Configuration Indicates the number of site-based thresholds configured.
      QA Group Based Threshold Indicates the number of QA group-based QA probe thresholds configured.
      Probes with specific Thresholds Configured Indicates the number of probes based threshold configured.
    6. QoS Threshold

      Field Name

      QoS Condition Based Threshold Indicates the number of QoS thresholds configured.
      QA Group Based Threshold Indicates the number of QA group-based QoS thresholds configured.
    7. Ping Latency Threshold

      Field Name

      QA Group Based Threshold Indicates the number of QA group-based Ping Latency thresholds configured.
    8. Global Network Management

      Field Name

      Regional Managers Indicates the number of regional managers configured (if any) for the NNMi management server you are logged into.
    9. Polling Configuration

      Field Name

      QA Group Specific Polling Displays the value True if the QA Group specific polling is enabled, otherwise displays the value False.
  5. You can perform the following actions in the Quality Assurance Configuration console:

    Icons Description
    Close Closes the Quality Assurance Configuration console.
    Refresh Retrieves the last saved configuration details from the database, updates the summary details and displays the data in the Quality Assurance Configuration console.

Enable Single Sign-On

To enable Single Sign-On between NNMi and the NNM iSPI Performance for QA (for easy access of the Quality Assurance Configuration Console):

  1. Go to the following location on the NNMi management server:

    On Windows:


    On Linux:


  2. Open the file with a text editor.
  3. Make sure that the com.hp.nms.ui.sso.isEnabled property is set to true.
  4. Run the following commands on the NNMi management server:
    1. nnmsso.ovpl –reload
    2. nmsqassoreload.ovpl

Do not enable the Single Sign-On feature when NNMi and the NNM iSPI Performance for QA are configured to use the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) authentication.