Administer > Security Configuration > Strengthen Security > Enable HTTPS-Only Communication

Enable HTTPS-Only Communication

Enable HTTPS-Only Communication for NNMi

The HTTP mode of communication can still be used even after installing and configuring NNMi to use HTTPS communication. To be able to restrict remote access to NNMi via HTTP, completely disable NNMi's HTTP mode of communication by following the instructions in the Configuring NNMi to Require Encryption for Remote Access section in the NNMi Deployment Reference.

Note In a Global Network Management environment, perform this task on each regional manager and the global manager.

Enable HTTPS-Only Communication for NPS

Make sure that NPS is installed and configured to use only the HTTPS protocol.
To switch to HTTPS from HTTP communication:

  1. Log on to the NPS system as root or administrator.
  2. Run the following command:

    configureWebAccess.ovpl -ssl

Enable HTTPS-Only Communication for the NNM iSPI Performance for QA

  1. Edit the following file (create the file if it does not exist) on the NNMi management server:

    • Windows: %NnmDataDir%\nmsas\qa\
    • Linux: /var/opt/OV/nmsas/qa/
  2. Add the following four lines to the file: = = = localhost = ${com.hp.ov.nms.fqdn}
  3. Restart NNMi and the NNM iSPI Performance for QA by running the following commands:

    • Windows

      1. %nnminstalldir%\bin\ovstop
      2. %nnminstalldir%\bin/ovstart
    • Linux

      1. /opt/OV/bin/ovstop
      2. /opt/OV/bin/ovstart