Administer > Security Configuration > Passwords > Change Default NPS Passwords

Change Default NPS Passwords

The NNM iSPI Performance for Metrics installer installs NPS with the following three applications with preset passwords:

  • NPS database
  • NPS BI Server
  • NPS Software Development Kit (SDK)

To enhance the security of your monitoring environment, change all the three preset passwords.

Change the NPS Database Password

To change the NPS database password, run the following command:

changeDBpwd.ovpl <password>

In this instance, <password> is a password of your choice.

Change the NPS BI Server Password

To change the NPS BI Server password, run the following command:

changeBIpwd.ovpl <password>

In this instance, <password> is a password of your choice.

Change the NPS SDK Password

To change the NPS SDK password, run the following command:


In this instance, <username> is the user name and <password> is a password of your choice.

Note The changesdkUserPwd.ovpl command always requires you to provide a value for the user name. If you want to change only the password of the NPS SDK password, specify the old user name with the command.