Administer > Configuring NNMi Advanced for IPv6 > Reactivating IPv6 Features

Reactivating IPv6 Features

Note Features requiring IPv6 communication, such as the discovery and of IPv6 only devices and the monitoring of IPv6 address status, require an NNMi management server to have an IPv6 global unicast address configured and operational.

The following procedure explains how to reactive IPv6 features after they have been deactivated.

  1. Edit the file. Look in the following location:

    Windows: %NNM_PROPS%\

    Linux: $NNM_PROPS/

    Note NNMi provides a complete description of each property, showing them as comments in the file.

  2. Locate the text that begins with # Enable NNMi IPv6 Management.
  3. To enable IPv6 communication in NNMi, un-comment the property:
    Note: To un-comment a property, remove the #! characters from the beginning of a line.
  4. Locate the text that begins with # Enable NNMi IPv6 Management.

  5. To enable overall IPv6 management in NNMi, un-comment the property:

  6. Save and close the file.
  7. Restart the NNMi management server.

    1. Run the ovstop command on the NNMi management server.
    2. Run the ovstart command on the NNMi management server.

      Note When making file changes under High Availability (HA), you must make the changes on both nodes in the cluster. If the change requires you to stop and restart the NNMi management server, you must put the nodes in maintenance mode before running the ovstop and ovstart commands. See Maintenance Mode for more information.

  8. Check the NNMi processes using the following command:

    ovstatus -v ovjboss

    Successful startup should look something like the following:

    object manager name: ovjboss
    state:               RUNNING
    PID:                 <Process ID #> 
    last message:        Initialization complete.
    exit status:         -
    additional info:
    SERVICE                                 STATUS
    CommunicationModelService                      Service is started 
    CommunicationParametersStatsService            Service is started 
    CustomPoller                                   Service is started 
    IslandSpotterService                           Service is started 
    ManagedNodeLicenseManager                      Service is started 
    MonitoringSettingsService                      Service is started 
    NamedPoll                                      Service is started 
    msApa                                         							Service is started 
    NmsCustomCorrelation                           Service is started 
    NmsDisco                                       Service is started 
    NmsEvents                                      Service is started 
    NmsEventsConfiguration                         Service is started 
    NmsExtensionNotificationService                Service is started 
    NnmTrapService                                 Service is started 
    PerformanceSpiAdapterTopologyChangeService     Service is started 
    PerformanceSpiConsumptionManager               Service is started 
    RbaManager                                     Service is started 
    RediscoverQueue                                Service is started 
    SpmdjbossStart                                 Service is started 
    StagedIcmp                                     Service is started 
    StagedSnmp                                     Service is started 
    StatePoller                                    Service is started 
    TrapConfigurationService                       Service is started 
    TrustManager                                   Service is started
  9. After you reactivate IPv6, NNMi views immediately include the IPv6 inventory for newly discovered nodes. During the next discovery cycle, NNMi views show the IPv6 inventory associated with previously discovered nodes.
  10. Optionally set the SNMP management address preference for dual-stacked managed nodes. Dual-stacked managed nodes are those nodes that can communicate using either IPv4 or IPv6. To do this, complete the following steps:

    1. From the NNMi console, click Communication Configuration located in the Configuration workspace.
    2. Locate the Management Address Selection section. Select IPv4, IPv6, or Any in the IP Version Preference field.
    3. Save your changes.
    4. Restart the NNMi management server:

      Run the ovstop command on the NNMi management server.

      Run the ovstart command on the NNMi management server.

      Note When making file changes under High Availability (HA), you must make the changes on both nodes in the cluster. If the change requires you to stop and restart the NNMi management server, you must put the nodes in maintenance mode before running the ovstop and ovstart commands. See Maintenance Mode for more information.

To speed things up, select nodes that you know are dual-stack nodes, and then use the Actions > Configuration Poll command located in the NNMi console. You can also use the nnmnoderediscover.ovpl script to add nodes to the NNMi discovery queue. See the nnmnoderediscover.ovpl reference page, or the Linux manpage, for more information.

After you enable IPv6 communication on the NNMi management server, NNMi begins monitoring nodes for IPv6 address faults using ICMPv6.