Discovery and Static NAT

The NNMi administrator must create a Tenant definition to identify each static NAT domain within your network management environment.

Spiral Discovery requires a Discovery Seed (Tenant / IP address pair) to identify each Node within the NAT domain. The NNMi administrator must create a Discovery Seed for each Node in the static NAT domain. A Discovery Seed must provide the following information for each Node:

  • External IP address (public address from the External/Internal IP address pair)
  • Tenant name

See the NNMi help for more information.

Note When adding Discovery seeds (using the nnmloadseeds.ovpl command or the NNMi console) in a static NAT environment, be sure to use the node's external (public) IP address. For more information, see the nnmloadseeds.ovpl reference page, or the Linux man page.

Tip A best practice is to not have duplicate Domain Name System (DNS) names.