Administer > Use Single Sign-On (SSO) with NNMi > SSO Access for NNMi and the NNM iSPIs

SSO Access for NNMi and the NNM iSPIs

After SSO is enabled, SSO between NNMi and the NNM iSPIs does not require initString configuration.

To use SSO, access NNMi as follows:

  • Use the correct URL in the following form:

    <protocol>://<fully_qualified_domain_name>:<port_number>/nnm/ <protocol> represents either http or https.

    <fully_qualified_domain_name> represents the official fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the NNMi management server.

    <port_number> is the port for connecting to the NNMi console, is assigned during NNMi installation, and is specified in the following file:

    • Windows: %NnmDataDir%\conf\nnm\props\
    • Linux: $NnmDataDir/conf/nnm/props/
  • Log on to NNMi using a valid account.

For SSO to work, URL access to NNMi and the NNM iSPIs must share a common network domain name. Additionally, the URL must not include an IP address. If you do not have a FQDN for the NNMi management server, you can substitute the IP address of the NNMi management server. However, doing so disables single sign-on for NNM iSPIs, and you must log on again the next time you access any NNM iSPI.

To determine the official FQDN of the NNMi management server, use one of the following methods:

  • Use the nnmofficialfqdn.ovpl command to display the value of the official FQDN set during installation. See the nnmofficialfqdn.ovpl reference page, or the Linux manpage, for more information.
  • In the NNMi console, click Help > System Information. On the Server tab, look for the official FQDN statement.

If you must change the official FQDN set during installation, use the nnmsetofficialfqdn.ovpl command. See the nnmsetofficialfqdn.ovpl reference page, or the Linux manpage, for more information.

Note After installation, the system account is still valid. Use the system account only for command-line security and for recovery purposes.

SSO to NNM iSPIs require that users access the NNMi console through a URL that contains the official FQDN. You can configure NNMi to redirect NNMi URLs to the official FQDN when the NNMi console is accessed through a non-official domain name, such as an IP address or a shortened version of the domain name. Before configuring NNMi to redirect URLs, an appropriate official FQDN must be configured. For information, see the NNMi help.

After you enable NNMi to redirect URLs, note the following:

  • You can log on to the NNMi console using any hostname that is valid for the NNMi management server you want to access. For example, if you request http://localhost/nnm, NNMi redirects you to a URL such as
  • If you cannot access the NNMi console using, use the following to directly access the NNMi console:

    <protocol> represents either http or https.

    <fully_qualified_domain_name> represents the official fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the NNMi management server.

    <port_number> is the port for connecting to the NNMi console, is assigned during NNMi installation, and is specified in the following file:

    • Windows: %NnmDataDir%\conf\nnm\props\
    • Linux: $NnmDataDir/conf/nnm/props/