Administer > NNMi Discovery > Plan Discovery > Auto-Discovery Rules > Auto-Discovey Rule Ordering

Auto-Discovery Rule Ordering

The value of an auto-discovery rule’s Ordering attribute affects discovery ranges in the following ways:

  • IP address ranges

    If a device falls within two auto-discovery rules, the settings in the auto-discovery rule with the lowest ordering number applies. For example, if an auto-discovery rule excludes a set of IP addresses, then no other auto-discovery rules with higher ordering numbers process those nodes and the nodes within that range of addresses are not discovered unless they are listed as discovery seeds.

  • System object ID ranges

    • If no IP address range is included in an auto-discovery rule, then the system object ID settings apply to all auto-discovery rules with higher ordering numbers.
    • If an IP address range is included in an auto-discovery rule, the system object ID range applies only within the auto-discovery rule.