Planning Groups

You must set up node and interface groups before configuring monitoring settings. Therefore, you must consider polling requirements while configuring node and interface groups. Ideally, node and interface groups are configured so that you can monitor important devices frequently, and you can check on non-critical devices less frequently (if at all).

Tip: Configure one set of node and interface groups for network monitoring. Configure a different set of node groups for network visualization through maps.

These groups are defined through the Configuration > Node Groups or Configuration > Interface Groups work spaces and are, by default, the same groups that are used to filter incident, node, interface, and address views. To create a separate set of node or interface filters for configuring monitoring settings, open a node or interface group and select the Add to View Filter List check box on the Node Group or Interface Group form. Click Save and Close.

You can set polling types and polling intervals at a node group or interface group level on the Node Settings and Interface Settings tabs of the Monitoring Configuration form.

Determine the criteria by which you want to group interfaces, devices, or both by similar polling needs. Here are some factors to consider in your planning:

  • Which area of your network contains these devices? Are there timing constraints?
  • Do you want to differentiate polling intervals or data gathered by device type? By interface type?
  • Does NNMi provide pre-configured groups you can use?
Tip: You can create group definitions for objects that are likely to go out of service at the same time, whether by location or some other criteria. For example, you could put all your Cisco routers into OUT OF SERVICE mode while you apply an IOS upgrade.