Administer > Maintain NNMi > Changing the Management Server > Best Practices for Preparing the NNMi Configuration to be Moved

Best Practices for Preparing the NNMi Configuration to be Moved

The following best practices apply to moving the NNMi configuration to a different system:

  • If the node group configuration uses hostnames to identify managed nodes, the production and test NNMi management servers must use the same DNS servers. In the case that the production and test systems use different DNS servers, changes in the resolved name for a managed node might result in different polling settings between the two NNMi management servers.
  • You can limit the configuration export to a single author. Create a new author value that is unique to your group or company. Specify this author value when you create or modify any of the following items:

    • Device profile
    • Incident configuration
    • URL action
  • If you plan to install Smart Plug-ins (iSPIs), see the appropriate NNM iSPI document. Documentation for all NNM iSPIs is available on the Software Product Manuals web site at