Administer > Maintain NNMi > Changing the Management Server > Restoring the NNMi Public Key Certificate > Task 3: Attempt to Locate the Original nnm.keystore File

Task 3: Attempt to Locate the Original nnm.keystore File

  1. Determine the fingerprint of the security key in the NNMi database:

    • For the embedded PostgreSQL database, enter the following:

      • Windows:

        %NnmInstallDir%\nonOV\Postgres\bin\psql -U postgres 
        -d nnm -c "<database_command>"
      • Linux:

        $NnmInstallDir/nonOV/Postgres/bin/psql -U postgres 
        -d nnm -c "<database_command>"

      Replace <database_command> with the following SQL command string:

      select fingerprint from nms_sec_key;
    • For an Oracle database, ask the Oracle database administrator to run the <database_command> (described for the embedded database earlier in this step) in the appropriate Oracle administration tool.

    The command results should be a single database row. The correct nnm.keystore file also contains this fingerprint.

  2. Identify a backup nnm.keystore file to test.

    This file might be in a backup of the NNMi management server in the original installation directory.

  3. Test the fingerprint of a backup nnm.keystore file:
    1. Change to the directory that contains the NNMi certificates:

      Windows: %NnmDataDir%\shared\nnm\certificates

      Linux: $NnmDataDir/shared/nnm/certificates

    2. Examine the contents of the keystore:

      • Windows:

        %jdkdir%\bin\keytool -list 
        -keystore nnm.keystore
      • Linux:

        $jdkdir/bin/keytool -list 
        -keystore nnm.keystore

      When prompted for the keystore password, enter: nnmkeypass

      The keystore output is of the form:

      Keystore type: jks
      Keystore provider: SUN
      Your keystore contains 1 entry
      selfsigned, Oct 28, 2008, keyEntry,
      Certificate fingerprint (MD5): 29:02:D7:D7:D7:D7:29:02:29:02:29:02:29:02:29:02
    3. Compare the value of the MD5 fingerprint from this nnm.keystore file with the fingerprint in the NNMi database (from step 1 of this task).

Note If you cannot locate the original nnm.keystore file using the above procedure, contact your support representative for assistance. Do not continue with Task 4: If Available, Restore the Original nnm.keystore File.