Trap Address Ordering

NNMi analyses source addresses as follows:

  • SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c traps with the com.hp.nnm.trapd.useUdpHeaderIpAddress property set to true use the following address order:

    rfc3584TrapAddress (.

    nnmTrapForwardingAddress (.

    securityPackNotificationAddress (.

    proxyOid (.

    source address in IP header

  • SNMPv1 traps with the com.hp.nnm.trapd.useUdpHeaderIpAddress property set to false use the following address order:

    rfc3584TrapAddress (.

    nnmTrapForwardingAddress (.

    securityPackNotificationAddress (.

    proxyOid (.

    agent-addr field in v1 trap

    source address in IP header