Administer > Configure NNMi in a High Availability Cluster > Unconfiguring NNMi from an HA Cluster

Unconfiguring NNMi from an HA Cluster

The process of removing an NNMi node from an High Availability (HA) cluster involves undoing the HA configuration for that instance of NNMi. You can then run that instance of NNMi as a standalone management server, or you can uninstall NNMi from that node.

Note Before uninstalling NNMi, remove any NNMi patches in reverse order, beginning with the most recent patch. The patch removal process varies according to the operating system running on the NNMi management server. See the patch documentation for installation and removal instructions.

If you want to keep NNMi configured for high availability, the HA cluster must contain one node that is actively running NNMi and at least one passive NNMi node. If you want to completely remove NNMi from the HA cluster, unconfigure the HA functionality on all nodes in the cluster.

To completely unconfigure NNMi from an HA cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Determine which node in the HA cluster is active. On any node, run the following command:

    • Windows:

      %NnmInstallDir%\misc\nnm\ha\nnmhaclusterinfo.ovpl -group <resource_group> -activeNode
    • Linux:

      $NnmInstallDir/misc/nnm/ha/nnmhaclusterinfo.ovpl -group <resource_group> -activeNode
  2. On each passive node, unconfigure any add-on NNM iSPIs from the HA cluster.

    For information, see the documentation for each NNM iSPI.

  3. On any node in the HA cluster, verify that the add-on NNM iSPIs on all passive nodes have been unconfigured from the HA cluster:

    • Windows:

      %NnmInstallDir%\misc\nnm\ha\nnmhaclusterinfo.ovpl -config NNM -get NNM_ADD_ON_PRODUCTS
    • Linux:

      $NnmInstallDir/misc/nnm/ha/nnmhaclusterinfo.ovpl -config NNM -get NNM_ADD_ON_PRODUCTS

    The command output lists the add-on iSPI configurations in the format <iSPI_PM_Name>[hostname_list]. For example:

    PerfSPIHA[hostname1, hostname2]

    At this time, only the active node hostname should appear in the output. If a passive node hostname appears in the output, repeat step 2 until this command output includes only the active node hostname.

  4. On the active node, unconfigure any add-on NNM iSPIs from the HA cluster.

    For information, see the documentation for each NNM iSPI.On any node in the HA cluster, verify that the add-on NNM iSPIs on all nodes have been unconfigured from the HA cluster:

    • Windows:

      %NnmInstallDir%\misc\nnm\ha\nnmhaclusterinfo.ovpl -config NNM -get NNM_ADD_ON_PRODUCTS
    • Linux:

      $NnmInstallDir/misc/nnm/ha/nnmhaclusterinfo.ovpl -config NNM -get NNM_ADD_ON_PRODUCTS

    If any hostname appears in the output, repeat this step until this command output indicates that no iSPIs are configured.

  5. On each passive node, unconfigure NNMi from the HA cluster:

    • Windows:

      %NnmInstallDir%\misc\nnm\ha\nnmhaunconfigure.ovpl NNM <resource_group>
    • Linux:

      $NnmInstallDir/misc/nnm/ha/nnmhaunconfigure.ovpl NNM <resource_group>

      This command removes access to the shared disk but does not unconfigure the disk group or the volume group.

  6. On each passive node, move the NNMi HA resource group-specific files to a separate location for safe-keeping:

    %NnmDataDir%\hacluster\<resource_group>\ folder.

    Tip If you do not plan to reconfigure the NNMi HA resource group, you do not need to save a copy of these files.

  7. On the active node, stop the NNMi HA resource group:

    • Windows:

      %NnmInstallDir%\misc\nnm\ha\nnmhastoprg.ovpl NNM <resource_group>
    • Linux:

      $NnmInstallDir/misc/nnm/ha/nnmhastoprg.ovpl NNM <resource_group>

    This command does not remove access to the shared disk. Nor does it unconfigure the disk group or the volume group.

  8. On the active node, unconfigure NNMi from the HA cluster:

    • Windows:

      %NnmInstallDir%\misc\nnm\ha\nnmhaunconfigure.ovpl NNM <resource_group>
    • Linux:

      $NnmInstallDir/misc/nnm/ha/nnmhaunconfigure.ovpl NNM <resource_group>

    This command removes access to the shared disk but does not unconfigure the disk group or the volume group.

  9. On the active node, move the NNMi HA resource group-specific files to a separate location for safe-keeping:

    %NnmDataDir%\hacluster\<resource_group>\ folder

    Tip If you do not plan to reconfigure the NNMi HA resource group, you do not need to save a copy of these files.

  10. Unmount the shared disk.

    • If you want to reconfigure the NNMi HA cluster at some point, you can keep the disk in its current state.
    • If you want to use the shared disk for another purpose, copy all data that you want to keep (as described in Running NNMi Outside HA with the Existing Database ), and then use the HA product commands to unconfigure the disk group and volume group.

Running NNMi Outside HA with the Existing Database

If you want to run NNMi outside HA on any node with the existing database, follow these steps:

  1. On the active node (if one still exists), ensure that NNMi is not running:


    Alternatively, check the status of the ovspmd process by using Task Manager (Windows) or the ps command (Linux).

  2. On the current node (where you want to run NNMi outside HA), verify that NNMi is not running:


    Caution To prevent data corruption, make sure that no instance of NNMi is running and accessing the shared disk.

  3. (Linux only) Activate the disk group, for example:

    vgchange -a e <disk_group>
  4. Use the appropriate operating system commands to mount the shared disk. For example:

    • Windows: Use Server Manager—>Disk Management.
    • Linux: mount /dev/vgnnm/lvnnm /nnmmount
  5. Copy the NNMi files from the shared disk to the local disk:

    • Windows:

      %NnmInstallDir%\misc\nnm\ha\nnmhadisk.ovpl NNM -from <HA_mount_point>
    • Linux:

      $NnmInstallDir/misc/nnm/ha/nnmhadisk.ovpl NNM -from <HA_mount_point>
  6. Use the appropriate operating system commands to unmount the shared disk. For example:

    • Windows: Use Windows Explorer.
    • Linux: umount /nnmmount
  7. (Linux only) Deactivate the disk group, for example:

    vgchange -a n <disk_group>
  8. Obtain and install the permanent production license keys for the physical IP address of this NNMi management server as described in Apply Licensesthe "Licensing NNMi" chapter in the NNMi Deployment Reference.
  9. Start NNMi:

    ovstart -c

    NNMi is now running with a copy of the database that was formerly used by the NNMi HA resource group. Manually remove from the NNMi configuration any nodes that you do not want to manage from this NNMi management server.