Administer > NNMi Northbound Interface > NNMi Northbound Interface Destination Form Reference > NNMi Northbound Interface Destination Status Information

NNMi Northbound Interface Destination Status Information

The following table lists the read-only status information for the northbound destination. This information is useful for verifying that the integration is working correctly.

NNMi Northbound Interface Destination Status Information



Trap Destination IP Address

The IP address the destination host name resolves to.

This value is unique to this northbound destination.

Uptime (seconds)

The time (in seconds) since the northbound component was last started. The traps that NNMi sends to a northbound application include this value in the sysUptime field (

This value is the same for all integrations that use the NNMi northbound interface. To see the latest value, either refresh or close and re-open the form.


The URL for connecting to the NNMi console. The traps that NNMi sends to a northbound application include this value in the NmsUrl varbind (

This value is unique to this northbound destination.