NNM iSPI Performance for Metrics and Wireless Interfaces

You can view 802.11 Metrics in Network Performance Server (NPS) reports.

Requires Network Node Manager iSPI Performance for Metrics Software (NNM iSPI Performance for Metrics). To populate performance data in the dashboard views or enhance NNM iSPI Performance for Metrics reports by sharing NNMi configuration settings, install the optional Network Performance Server (NPS).

For more information:

  1. Open the NPS Console.
  2. Go to Interface Health Extension Pack.
  3. In the NPS Online Help, see About Interface Health Reports > Metrics and Topology Attributes.

If the NNM iSPI Performance for Metrics is already installed and configured in your environment:

  1. In the NNMi Console, select: Actions > NNM iSPI Performance > Reporting – Report Menu.
  2. In the NPS report window, select the Reports workspace, then Interface_Health, InterfaceMetrics.

    Some examples of the available metrics are shown in the tables below:

Metric Description
ACKFailureCount Total number of times the ACK signal was not received when expected.
FrameDuplicateCount Total number of frames received that are indicated duplicate by the Sequence Control field.
MaxedOutTransmitAttempts Total number of times the MSDU is not transmitted successfully due to the number of transmit attempts exceeding either the dot11ShortRetryLimit or dot11LongRetryLimit.
ReceivedFragmentCount Total number of successfully received MPDUs of type Data or Management.
RTSFailureCount Total number of clear-to-send (CTS) signals failed to be sent in response to a request-to-send (RTS).
RTSSuccessCount Total number of clear-to-send (CTS) signals received in response to a request-to-send (RTS).
TransmittedFragmentCount Total number of acknowledged MPDUs that have an individual address in the address 1 field or total number of MPDUs that have a multicast address in the address 1 field of type Data or Management.
SuccessfulRetryCount Total number of times the MSDU is successfully transmitted after one or more re-transmissions.
UndecryptableFrames Total number of frames received with the WEP subfield of the Frame Control field set to one and the WEPOn value for the key mapped to the TA's MAC address indicates that the frame should not have been encrypted or that frame is discarded due to the receiving STA not implementing the privacy option.
WLAN FCS Error Count Total number of Frame Check Sequence errors.
WLAN FCS Error Rate The percentage of frames with errors out of the total number of frames transmitted through the network.
Metric Description
NumActiveBridges The number of bridges currently associated with the selected device on the selected interface.
NumActiveRepeaters The number of repeaters currently associated with the selected device on the selected interface.
NumActiveWirelessClients The number of wireless clients currently associated with the selected interface on the selected device.
StationsAssociated The number of stations currently associated with the selected device on the selected interface.
StationsAuthenticated The number of stations currently authenticated for the selected device on the selected interface.
StationsRoamedAway Total number of stations roamed (transferred) away from this device on the selected interface. The metric displays the number of stations transferred from the selected interface since the device re-started.
StationsRoamedIn The total number of stations roamed (transferred) from another device to this device on the selected interface. The metric displays the number of stations transferred to the selected interface since the device re-started.
StationsDeauthenticated Total number of stations de-authenticated with this device on the selected interface. The metric displays the number of stations for which the authentication were removed from the selected interface since the device re-started.
StationsDisassociated Total number of stations disassociated with this device on the selected interface. The metric displays the number of stations that were disassociated from the selected interface since the device re-started.