Integration Configuration Form

[This is the context-sensitive link for the Integration Configuration Form. This topic is intentionally NOT in the TOC.]

You can configure a variety of and third-party software products (that run independently of NNMi) to integrate with NNMi. See HelpDocumentation LibraryRelease Notes, and locate the Support Matrix for a complete list of supported products. You can view details about each of these integrations in separate documents. To read any of these documents, do the following:

  1. Point your web browser to the following website:
  2. Supply your Passport credentials: Sign-in to HP Passport.
  3. Select your search criteria:

    • Product
    • Version
    • Operating System
  4. Select the link to nnmi_doc_list_<version>.pdf
  5. Click the URL to the document you want to read.

Each integration adds some or all of the following functionality (depending on the integration):

  • NNMi incidents are available in the integrated product’s events viewer.
  • NNMi receives and monitors traps related to the integrated product.
  • NNMi operators can open some of the integrated product’s views from within the NNMi console. Those views are in context of the object selected in the NNMi console (for example, node or interface).
  • Operators of the integrated product can open some NNMi console views from within the integrated product. Those views are in context of the object selected in the integrated product.
  • Network topology (inventory) information is shared between NNMi and the integrated product.

Some of these products require that you provide information in the NNMi  Integration Module Configuration workspace. Use the appropriate integration configuration form to provide the information required for enabling an integration between NNMi and the associated product. For the latest information about an integration and the fields on its integration configuration form, do the following:

Note Network Node Manager i Software Smart Plug-ins (iSPIs) do not use the Integration Module Configuration workspace. NNM iSPIs have an entirely different configuration strategy. See Purchase Network Node Manager i Smart Plug-ins and More.

  1. Point your web browser to the following website:
  2. Supply your Passport credentials: Sign-in to HP Passport.
  3. Select your search criteria:

    • Product
    • Version
    • Operating System
  4. Select the link to nnmi_doc_list_<version>.pdf
  5. Click the URL to the document you want to read.