Administer > Maintain NNMi > Export and Import Configuration Settings > Export a Snapshot of Your Configuration Settings

Export a Snapshot of Your Configuration Settings

If you export your configuration settings before you begin making changes, you can easily "undo" your changes if you decide that you do not like the results.

To export a snapshot of your configuration settings:

  1. Import behavior is determined when you generate the Export files. Make sure you understand your Import behavior choices before you begin. See Export/Import Behavior and Dependencies (consider printing that topic for reference).

    Caution The locale setting on the NNMi management server at the time of Export must match the locale setting on the NNMi management server at the time of Import. Otherwise, you risk losing data. Also, make sure that both NNMi management servers have the same NNMi version/patch number.

  2. A user name and password are required with the export command:

    If you do not want to enter an NNMi User Name attribute value and an NNMi Password attribute value at the command line, you can use the nnmsetcmduserpw.ovpl command to specify the valid user name and password (instead of -u and -p). The credentials set using the nnmsetcmduserpw.ovpl command are valid for command execution by the same user.

    -u <NNMiadminUserName> -p <NNMiadminPassword>

  3. Check whether the configuration settings you want to export have dependencies, see Export/Import Behavior and Dependencies.

    • If no dependencies, export only the configuration settings you are planning to change.
    • If yes, decide whether you need a copy of the dependencies (only if you plan to make changes to those configuration settings, as well). Then export all the required files.
  4. At the command line of the NNMi management server, type the command to generate the required export files.

    • To export all configuration settings, use the following command:

      nnmconfigexport.ovpl –c all -f <directory>

      You can use -x <file_prefix> to provide a unique prefix to the set of exported files. For example, use today's date or a clue about the reason you needed the files:

      nnmconfigexport.ovpl –c all -f <directory> -x <file_prefix>

    • To export specific configuration settings <X> from multiple configuration workspace views, separate each with a comma (see Export/Import Behavior and Dependencies or the nnmconfigexport.ovpl Reference Pages for the list of choices):

      nnmconfigexport.ovpl –c <X>, <X>, <X> -f <directory>

      You can use -x <file_prefix> to provide a unique prefix to the set of exported files. For example, use today's date or a clue about the reason you needed the files:

      nnmconfigexport.ovpl –c <X>, <X>, <X> -f <directory> -x <file_prefix>

    • To export configuration settings that were created by a particular author (for Author, Device Profiles, Incident, or URL Actions), add the -a <authorUniqueKey> attribute to the command and provide the Unique Key.

      Note Only one author per -a <authorUniqueKey> export command is allowed.

      Find the Unique Keys for all authors by exporting an author.xml file, then open the file in a text editor and locate the Key attribute values.

  5. Verify that the required xml files are in the specified directory.

    Caution Do not edit the exported file before importing.

You are now ready to make configuration changes.

To undo your configuration setting changes, see Import Configuration Files to Restore Previous Settings.