Disconnect Communication with a Regional Manager

(NNMi Advanced - Global Network Management feature) As administrator, you can disconnect communication between a Global Manager (NNMi management server) and a Regional Manager (another NNMi management server within your network environment).

To disconnect communication with a Regional Manager:

  1. Select the Regional Manager Connections tab.

  2. Click the  Open icon in the row representing the configuration you want to edit.

  3. Click  Save and Close to return to the Global Network Management form. NNMi disables communication from this Global Manager (NNMi management server) to that Regional Manager (NNMi management server).
  4. In the Regional Manager Connections tab, note the Name attribute value for that connection configuration (case-sensitive). You need to type this text string to replace <RegionalNNMiServerName> in a later step.
  5. Click  Save and Close.
  6. On the Global Manager (NNMi management server), at the command line, type the following command (see Delete Nodes and nnmnodedelete.ovpl and Manage environment variables for more information):

    Note The original node records on the Regional Manager (NNMi management server) are not affected. Only the copy of the node records will be deleted from the Global Manager's database.

    If you do not want to enter an NNMi User Name attribute value and an NNMi Password attribute value at the command line, you can use the nnmsetcmduserpw.ovpl command to specify the valid user name and password (instead of -u and -p). The credentials set using the nnmsetcmduserpw.ovpl command are valid for command execution by the same user.

    %NnmInstallDir%\bin\nnmnodedelete -rm <RegionalNNMiServerName> -u <NNMiadminUserName> -p <NNMiadminPassword>

    $NnmInstallDir/bin/nnmnodedelete -rm <RegionalNNMiServerName> -u <NNMiadminUserName> -p <NNMiadminPassword>

    NNMi searches the Global Manager's database for all nodes that this Regional Manager is responsible for monitoring in your network environment. NNMi removes the node records from the Global Manager's database (these node records represent information forwarded from the Regional Manager). NNMi removes all associated data:

    • Any interface or IP address information belonging to a deleted node.
    • Any discovery seeds that match the name or IP address of a deleted node (unless you use the nmnodedelete -keepSeed option).

    Each Incident associated with the deleted Node is modified in the following ways, but not deleted from the NNMi database: The Status attribute changes to Closed. The Correlation Notes indicate the deletion of the associated node, interface, or address. The RCA State attribute changes to FALSE. Incidents generated from SNMP traps (received from the deleted Node) appear in the Incident views, but remain unresolved.

    To remove the Incidents from your NNMi database, follow the instructions in Archive and Delete Incidents to delete "Closed" Incidents. You will be deleting all "Closed" Incidents, not just the "Closed" Incidents associated with this Regional Manager.

  7. NNMi no longer requests information about discovery and monitoring results from that Regional Manager.

Note The NNMi management server that is no longer one of the Regional Managers is still fully-functioning, but communication between the two NNMi management servers is now disabled.

Traps from that Regional Manager are still forwarded to the Global Manager if configured to do so, see Configure Trap Forwarding Destinations. Disable any trap forwarding that you no longer need.