Add New ifType Values (Interface Types) to the List

Interface Type definitions cover all known industry-standard IANA ifType-MIB values at the time of the release of NNMi. Interface Groups can be built using ifType filters. See Create Interface Groups

Occasionally new industry-standard ifType values are announced between releases of NNMi. If your team acquires new devices configured with new ifType values, you can add the new ifType values to NNMi's list of definitions.

When NNMi discovers an Interface that responds to an SNMP ifType query with a new value, NNMi automatically adds a new ifType using the IANA ifType-MIB Number value. NNMi uses that number for both the ifType attribute and the Number attribute values. You can provide a more meaningful ifType text string and optional description.

 To configure an IANA ifType-MIB definition:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • To create an ifType definition, click the  New icon, and continue.
    • To edit an ifType definition, click the  Open icon in the row representing the configuration you want to edit, and continue.
    • To delete an ifType definition, select a row and click the  Delete icon.
  2. In the ifType form, provide the ifType text string, number, and description.
  3. Click  Save and Close.