Administer > Create Groups of Nodes or Interfaces > Create Node Groups > From the Command Line, Create Node Groups

From the Command Line, Define Node Groups

Node Groups are used for a variety of purposes in NNMi. See Create Groups of Nodes or Interfaces for more information.

Note By default NNMi Administrators can create, modify, and delete Node Groups. NNMi Administrators can configure NNMi to permit User Accounts assigned to the NNMi Operator Level 2 User Group to create, modify, and delete Node Groups.

You can create any number of Node Groups in addition to the ones that NNMi provides (see Node Groups Provided by NNMi).

Use the following command-line tools to create or modify existing Node Groups:

  • See the nnmnodegroup.ovpl Reference Page.
  • See the nnmloadinterfacegroups.ovpl Reference Page.

    This command is used in combination with a comma separated values (CSV) file - for example, a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet saved as a .csv file.

For the alternate method of creating Interface Groups, see From the Command Line, Define Interface Groups.