Administer > Monitor Network Health > Configure NNMi Monitoring Behavior > The NNMi Causal Engine and Monitoring

The NNMi Causal Engine and Monitoring

The Causal Engine actively gathers information about your network devices from incoming incidents and traps. The Causal Engine also uses the data gathered by State Poller and by Spiral Discovery to calculate the current health status of each managed object.

The health status is dynamic (based on the current reality of your network environment). Any time the State Poller sends updated State values for an object, the Causal Engine reanalyzes Status, Conclusions, and Incidents, and updates this information if needed.

Note The Causal Engine performs a Status Poll of each node every 24 hours and updates Status, Conclusion, and Incident information as needed. This Status Poll does not affect the timing of the Polling interval configured for the device.

The NNMi Causal Engine communicates device health information in the following ways:

  • In the database, the Causal Engine stores a multitude of information about each device. You can access this information in the Node, Interface, IP Address, SNMP Agent, and connection forms.
  • On the maps, the color of the background shape for each map icon changes to the color that represents the currently calculated health status, based on Causal Engine calculations for that node, interface, address, or connection.
  • On forms for Nodes, Interfaces, IP addresses, SNMP Agents, and connections, the Causal Engine updates the Status attribute to show the current status:  Normal,  Warning,  Minor,  Major,  Critical,  Unknown, or  No Status.
  • The Status column in table views is updated.

The Causal Engine also uses health status information to determine root cause. See The NNMi Causal Engine and Incidents for more information about the Causal Engine, incidents, and root cause analysis.