Integrate > Integrate NNMi with Operations Manager > Web Service-based Integration

Web Service-based Integration

The agent implementation of the NNMi—OM integration is the preferred solution for integrating OM with NNMi.

If the agent and the web services implementations of the NNMi—OM integration both forward messages to the same OM management server, you might not see all messages from both implementations in the OM active messages browser. For this reason, does not support running both implementations of the NNMi—OM integration from one NNMi management server to the same OM management server concurrently.

Overview of the Integration

The web services implementation of the NNMi—OM integration forwards NNMi incidents to the OM active messages browser. The integration synchronizes incidents between NNMi and OM. It also provides for accessing the NNMi console from within OM.

The NNMi—OM integration supports a “many-to-many” arrangement. Each NNMi management server can forward incidents to multiple OM management servers. Likewise, each OM management server can receive incidents from multiple NNMi management servers. The integration interprets the unique identifier of an incident to determine the source NNMi management server.

The NNMi—OM integration consists of the following components:

  • NNMi—OM Integration Module

    The NNMi—OM integration module forwards incidents from NNMi to OM. It is installed and configured on the NNMi management server.

  • Operations Manager Incident Web Service

    OM uses the Operations Manager Incident Web Service (IWS) to receive the incidents that are forwarded from NNMi.

  • OM applications for contextual access of the NNMi console

    OM provides applications for accessing forms, views, and tools in the NNMi console. For example, you can open an NNMi incident directly from the OM active messages browser. The specific application determines the context the NNMi console opens to. You need to configure the applications before you can use them.


The NNMi—OM integration provides event consolidation in the OM active messages browser for the network management, system management, and application management domains, so that OM users can detect and investigate potential network problems.

The primary features of the integration are as follows:

  • Automatic incident forwarding from NNMi to OM.

    • Forwarded incidents appear in the OM active messages browser.
    • You can create filters that limit the incidents NNMi forwards.
  • Synchronization of Incident updates between NNMi and OM as described in the following table.

    Trigger Result

    In OM, the message is acknowledged.

    In NNMi, the corresponding incident’s lifecycle state is set to Closed.

    In OM, the message is unacknowledged.

    In NNMi, the corresponding incident’s lifecycle state is set to Registered.

    In NNMi, the incident’s lifecycle state is set to Closed.

    In OM, the corresponding message is acknowledged.

    In NNMi, the incident’s lifecycle state is changed from Closed to any other state.

    In OM, the corresponding message is unacknowledged.

  • Access to the NNMi console from OM.

    • OM users can open the NNMiIncident form in the context of a selected message.
    • OM users can launch an NNMi view (for example, the Layer 2 Neighbor view) in the context of a selected message and node.
    • OM users can launch an NNMi tool (for example, status poll) in the context of a selected message and node.
    • When OM is consolidating NNMi incidents from multiple NNMi management servers, the integration interprets the unique identifier of each incident to access the correct NNMi management server.

Enable the Integration

This section describes the procedure for enabling the NNMi—OM integration. For each NNMi management server and each OM management server that you want to include in the integration, complete the appropriate steps in the procedure for the version of OM that you are using.

OM for Windows

  1. On the NNMi management server, configure NNMi incident forwarding to OM:

    1. In the NNMi console, open the NNMi—OM Integration Selection form (Integration Module Configuration > OM).
    2. Click web services implementation.
    3. On the NNMi—OM Web Services Integration Configuration form, select the Enable Integration check box to make the remaining fields on the form available.
    4. Specify the information for connecting to the NNMi management server.

      The integration requires an HTTP connection to the NNMi console. Leave the NNMi SSL Enabled check box cleared.

      Table:   NNMi NNMi Management Server Connection Information

      Field Description

      NNMi SSL Enabled

      The connection protocol specification for connecting to the NNMi console.

      The integration requires an HTTP connection to the NNMi console. Leave the NNMi SSL Enabled check box cleared.

      NNMi Host

      The fully-qualified domain name of the NNMi management server. This field is pre-filled with the hostname that was used to access the NNMi console. Verify that this value is the name returned by the nnmofficialfqdn.ovpl -t command run on the NNMi management server.

      NNMi Port

      The port for connecting to the NNMi console. This field is pre-filled with the port that the jboss application server uses for communicating with the NNMi console, as specified in the following file:

      • Windows: %NnmDataDir%\conf\nnm\props\
      • Linux: $NnmDataDir/conf/nnm/props/

      Use the value of nmsas.server.port.web.http, which is 80 or 8004 by default (depending on the presence of another web server when NNMi was installed).

      NNMi User

      The user name for connecting to the NNMi web services. This user must have the NNMi Administrator or Web Service Client role.

      NOTE:  The password for this user name is passed in clear text.

      Best practice: Create and use an NNMiIntegration user account with the Web Service Client role.

      NNMi Password

      The password for the specified NNMi user.

    5. Specify the information for connecting to the OM management server.

      Table:   OM Management Server Connection Information

      HPOM Server Parameter Description

      OM SSL Enabled

      The connection protocol specification.

      • If OM is configured to use HTTPS, select the OM SSL Enabled check box. This is the default configuration.
      • If OM is configured to use HTTP, clear the OM SSL Enabled check box.

      OM Host

      The fully-qualified domain name of the OM management server.

      Verify that this name is resolvable from the NNMi management server by using the nslookup or ping command.

      If DNS is questionable, use the IP address of the OM management server. If possible, use the traceroute command to verify the network path from the NNMi management server to the OM management server.

      OM Port

      The port for connecting to the OM web service. To determine the port number to specify, do the following on the OM management server:

      • OM for Windows: Examine the port settings in the IIS Manager, which is available from the Start menu, for example, Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
      • OM for Linux: Run the following command: ovtomcatbctl -getconf

      This field is pre-filled with the value 443, which is the default port for SSL connections to OM for Windows. For SSL connections to OM for Linux, the default port is 8443 or 8444.

      OM User

      A valid OM user account name with the OM Administrator role. This user must be permitted to view the OM active messages browser and the OM incident web service WSDL.

      Windows only: On the Windows operating system, OM works through Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) to authenticate user credentials. Specify a Windows user in the format <Windows_domain>\<username>.

      Best Practice:

      • OM for Windows: Specify a user who is a member of the HP-OVE-ADMINS user group. (Verify group membership in the Local Users and Groups area of the Microsoft Management Console, which is available from Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management.)
      • OM for Linux: Use the opc_adm user account.

      OM Password

      The password for the specified OM user.

    6. Enter values for the following fields:

      • Forward Only
      • Holding period (minutes)
      • Incident Filter

      For information about these fields, see the following table.

      Table:    Integration Behavior Information

      Field Description

      Forward Only

      The behavior specification for the NNMi—OM integration module. By default, the integration module forwards incidents to and receives incident acknowledgements from the OM management servers identified on the NNMi—OM Web Services Integration Configuration form. You can disable the receipt of incident acknowledgements.

      • For one-way communication (forward incidents to OM but ignore incident acknowledgements from OM), select the Forward Only check box.
      • For two-way communication, leave the Forward Only check box cleared. This is the default behavior.

      Holding period (minutes)

      The number of minutes to wait before forwarding the configured incidents to OM. If an incident is closed during this time (for example, an SNMPLinkUp incident cancels an SNMPLinkDown incident), OM never receives that incident. If you want NNMi to forward incidents immediately, enter the value 0.

      The default value is 5 minutes.

      Incident Filter

      A filter based on NNMi incident attributes that limits incident forwarding. The default filter (nature=ROOTCAUSE origin=MANAGEMENTSOFTWARE) specifies all root cause incidents that are generated by NNMi. You can modify this filter to change the incidents forwarded to OM.

      All text (attribute names and values) in the Incident Filter field is case-sensitive.

    7. If you want NNMi to forward incidents to multiple OM management servers, click Add another HPOM server, and then enter the information for the next OM management server in the OM fields.

      The information for the first server appears in the Additional OM Servers list.

    8. Click Submit at the bottom of the form.

      A new window opens, showing a status message. If the message indicates a problem with connecting to the OM management server, re-open the NNMi—OM Web Services Integration Configuration form (or press ALT+LEFT ARROW in the message window), and then adjust the values for connecting to the OM management server as suggested by the text of the error message.

  2. In OM, configure the NNMi adapter for connecting to the NNMi management server as described in Configure the NNMi Management Server Name and Port of the OM help.
  3. In OM, add a managed node for each NNMi node that will be named as a source node in the NNMi incidents that are forwarded to this OM management server. Also add a managed node for each NNMi management server that will forward incidents to this OM management server.

    Alternatively, you can create one external node to catch all forwarded NNMi incidents. For initial testing, set the node filter to <*>.<*>.<*>.<*> (for an IP filter) or <*> (for a name filter). After you validate the integration, restrict the external node filter to match your network.

    For more information, see Configuring NNMi Management Server Nodes in the OM help.

    If you do not set up an OM managed node for an NNMi incident source node, the OM management server discards all incidents regarding that node.

  4. Optional. In OM, add the custom message attributes for NNMi incidents to the active messages browser:

    1. In the browser, right-click any column heading, and then click Options.
    2. In the Enter Custom Message Attributes list, select an attribute, and then click Add.

      • The custom message attributes for NNMi incidents begin with the text nnm.
      • For the web services implementation of the NNMi—OM integration, the most interesting attributes for NNMi incidents are as follows:


      • To change the order the custom message attributes appear in the messages browser, drag a column heading to the new location.
  5. Optional. In OM, enable contextual launching of the NNMi views by associating the NNMi source nodes with the NNMi Web Tools group.

    For more information, see Enable tools in the By Node tool group in the OM help.

OM for Linux

  1. On the NNMi management server, configure NNMi incident forwarding to OM:

    1. In the NNMi console, open the NNMi—OM Integration Selection form (Integration Module Configuration > OM).
    2. Click web services implementation.
    3. On the NNMi—OM Web Services Integration Configuration form, select the Enable Integration check box to make the remaining fields on the form available.
    4. Enter the information for connecting to the NNMi management server.

      The integration requires an HTTP connection to the NNMi console. Leave the NNMi SSL Enabled check box cleared.

      Table:   NNMi NNMi Management Server Connection Information

      Field Description

      NNMi SSL Enabled

      The connection protocol specification for connecting to the NNMi console.

      The integration requires an HTTP connection to the NNMi console. Leave the NNMi SSL Enabled check box cleared.

      NNMi Host

      The fully-qualified domain name of the NNMi management server. This field is pre-filled with the hostname that was used to access the NNMi console. Verify that this value is the name returned by the nnmofficialfqdn.ovpl -t command run on the NNMi management server.

      NNMi Port

      The port for connecting to the NNMi console. This field is pre-filled with the port that the jboss application server uses for communicating with the NNMi console, as specified in the following file:

      • Windows: %NnmDataDir%\conf\nnm\props\
      • Linux: $NnmDataDir/conf/nnm/props/

      Use the value of nmsas.server.port.web.http, which is 80 or 8004 by default (depending on the presence of another web server when NNMi was installed).

      NNMi User

      The user name for connecting to the NNMi web services. This user must have the NNMi Administrator or Web Service Client role.

      NOTE:  The password for this user name is passed in clear text.

      Best practice: Create and use an NNMiIntegration user account with the Web Service Client role.

      NNMi Password

      The password for the specified NNMi user.

    5. Enter the information for connecting to the OM management server.

      Table:   OM Management Server Connection Information

      HPOM Server Parameter Description

      OM SSL Enabled

      The connection protocol specification.

      • If OM is configured to use HTTPS, select the OM SSL Enabled check box. This is the default configuration.
      • If OM is configured to use HTTP, clear the OM SSL Enabled check box.

      OM Host

      The fully-qualified domain name of the OM management server.

      Verify that this name is resolvable from the NNMi management server by using the nslookup or ping command.

      If DNS is questionable, use the IP address of the OM management server. If possible, use the traceroute command to verify the network path from the NNMi management server to the OM management server.

      OM Port

      The port for connecting to the OM web service. To determine the port number to specify, do the following on the OM management server:

      • OM for Windows: Examine the port settings in the IIS Manager, which is available from the Start menu, for example, Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
      • OM for Linux: Run the following command: ovtomcatbctl -getconf

      This field is pre-filled with the value 443, which is the default port for SSL connections to OM for Windows. For SSL connections to OM for Linux, the default port is 8443 or 8444.

      OM User

      A valid OM user account name with the OM Administrator role. This user must be permitted to view the OM active messages browser and the OM incident web service WSDL.

      Windows only: On the Windows operating system, OM works through Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) to authenticate user credentials. Specify a Windows user in the format <Windows_domain>\<username>.

      Best Practice:

      • OM for Windows: Specify a user who is a member of the HP-OVE-ADMINS user group. (Verify group membership in the Local Users and Groups area of the Microsoft Management Console, which is available from Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management.)
      • OM for Linux: Use the opc_adm user account.

      OM Password

      The password for the specified OM user.

    6. Enter values for the following fields:

      • Forward Only
      • Holding period (minutes)
      • Incident Filter

      Table:    Integration Behavior Information

      Field Description

      Forward Only

      The behavior specification for the NNMi—OM integration module. By default, the integration module forwards incidents to and receives incident acknowledgements from the OM management servers identified on the NNMi—OM Web Services Integration Configuration form. You can disable the receipt of incident acknowledgements.

      • For one-way communication (forward incidents to OM but ignore incident acknowledgements from OM), select the Forward Only check box.
      • For two-way communication, leave the Forward Only check box cleared. This is the default behavior.

      Holding period (minutes)

      The number of minutes to wait before forwarding the configured incidents to OM. If an incident is closed during this time (for example, an SNMPLinkUp incident cancels an SNMPLinkDown incident), OM never receives that incident. If you want NNMi to forward incidents immediately, enter the value 0.

      The default value is 5 minutes.

      Incident Filter

      A filter based on NNMi incident attributes that limits incident forwarding. The default filter (nature=ROOTCAUSE origin=MANAGEMENTSOFTWARE) specifies all root cause incidents that are generated by NNMi. You can modify this filter to change the incidents forwarded to OM.

      NOTE:  All text (attribute names and values) in the Incident Filter field is case-sensitive.
    7. If you want NNMi to forward incidents to multiple OM management servers, click Add another OM server, and then enter the information for the next OM management server in the OM fields.

      The information for the first server appears in the Additional OM Servers list.

    8. Click Submit at the bottom of the form.

      A new window opens, showing a status message. If the message indicates a problem with connecting to the OM server, re-open the NNMi—OM Web Services Integration Configuration form (or press ALT+LEFT ARROW in the message window), and then adjust the values for connecting to the OM management server as suggested by the text of the error message.

    9. Click Submit at the bottom of the form.
  2. In OM, add a managed node for each NNMi node that will be named as a source node in the NNMi incidents that are forwarded to this OM management server. Also add a managed node for each NNMi management server that will forward incidents to this OM management server.

    Alternatively, you can create one external node to catch all forwarded NNMi incidents. For initial testing, set the node filter to <*>.<*>.<*>.<*> (for an IP filter) or <*> (for a name filter). After you validate the integration, restrict the external node filter to match your network.

    For more information, see the Operations Manager for UNIX and Linux Administrator's Reference.

    If you do not set up an OM managed node for an NNMi incident source node, the OM management server discards all incidents regarding that node.

  3. Optional. In OM, add the custom message attributes for NNMi incidents to the active messages browser:

    1. In the Java Interface Message Browser, right-click any column heading, and then click Customize Message Browser Columns.
    2. On the Custom tab, select from the Available Custom Message Attributes, and then click OK.

      • The custom message attributes for NNMi incidents begin with the text nnm.
      • For the web services implementation of the NNMi—OM integration, the most interesting attributes for NNMi incidents are as follows:


      • To change the order the custom message attributes appear in the messages browser, drag a column heading to the new location.
  4. Optional. On the OM management server, prepare the OM applications for accessing the NNMi console.

    1. Required. Install the basic set of NNMi applications.

    2. Optional. Install additional NNMi applications.

    Configure an HTTPS Connection

    To configure an SSL connection to OM, follow the steps documented in this topic.

    NNMi10.30 introduces a stronger, more secure certificate scheme with the help of keystore and truststore files in the PKCS #12 format. In all new installations, PKCS #12 format-based certificate scheme is enabled by default. On systems where you upgraded NNMi from an older versions, you may have the old scheme of certificate management.

    1. Log on to the HPOM management server, and then generate one of the following certificates:

      • A self-signed HPOM certificate

        Note For an NNMi management server with the PKCS #12 format-based certificate scheme, you must use a 2048-bit self-signed HPOM certificate.

        To generate a self-signed OM certificate:

        1. Log on to the OM management server as root or administrator.
        2. Stop the OM processes by running the following command:

          • On Windows:%ovinstalldir%\bin\ovc -stop
          • On UNIX/Linux:/opt/OV/bin/ovc -stop
        3. Delete the existing tomcat.certificate file from the following directory:

          • On Windows:%ovdatadir%\certificates\tomcat\b
          • On UNIX/Linux:/var/opt/OV/certificates/tomcat/b
        4. Regenerate the tomcat.certificate file by running the following command:

          Note Omit -keysize "2048" from the command if NNMi uses the JKS format-based certificate scheme.

          • On Windows:%ovinstalldir%\nonOV\jre\b\bin\keytool -genkey -alias ovtomcatb -keyalg "RSA" -keysize "2048" -validity "7200" -dname "<distinguished_name>"-keypass changeit -storepass changeit -keystore %ovdatadir%\certificates\tomcat\b\tomcat.keystore
          • On UNIX/Linux:/opt/OV/nonOV/jre/b/bin/keytool -genkey -alias ovtomcatb -keyalg "RSA" -keysize "2048" -validity "7200" -dname "<distinguished_name>"-keypass changeit -storepass changeit -keystore /var/opt/OV/certificates/tomcat/b/tomcat.keystore

          In this instance, <distinguished_name> is the distinguished name of the OM management server.

        5. Generate a new certificate by running the following command:

          • On Windows:%ovinstalldir%\nonOV\jre\b\bin\keytool -exportcert -alias ovtomcatb -keystore %ovdatadir%\certificates\tomcat\b\tomcat.keystore -storepass changeit -file<hostname>.cer
          • On UNIX/Linux:/opt/OV/nonOV/jre/b/bin/keytool -exportcert -alias ovtomcatb -keystore /var/opt/OV/certificates/tomcat/b/tomcat.keystore -storepass changeit -file<hostname>.cer

          In this instance, <hostname>is the host name of the OM management server.

        6. Start the OM processes by running the following command:

          • On Windows:%ovinstalldir%\bin\ovc -start
          • On UNIX/Linux:/opt/OV/bin/ovc -start
      • A CA-signed certificate
    2. Transfer the certificate to the NNMi management server.
    3. Import the certificate to the NNMi truststore by running the following command:

      • On a system with the PKCS #12 format-based certificate scheme:

        • On Windows:%nnminstalldir%\bin\nnmkeytool.ovpl -import -truststore %NnmDataDir%\shared\nnm\certificates\nnm-trust.p12 -storetype PKCS12 -alias <alias> -storepass ovpass -file<filename>
        • On Linux:/opt/OV/bin/nnmkeytool.ovpl -import -truststore /var/opt/OV/shared/nnm/certificates/nnm-trust.p12 -storetype PKCS12 -alias <alias> storepass ovpass -file<filename>
      • On a system with the JKS format-based certificate scheme:

        • On Windows:%nnminstalldir%\nonOV\jdk\hpsw\bin\keytool -import -truststore %NnmDataDir%\shared\nnm\certificates\nnm.truststore -storetype JKS -alias <alias> -storepass ovpass -file<filename>
        • On Linux:/opt/OV/nonOV/jdk/hpsw/bin/keytool -import -truststore /var/opt/OVshared/nnm/certificates/nnm.truststore -storetype JKS -alias <alias> -storepass ovpass -file<filename>

      In this instance, <filename> is the full path (including the file name) to the newly created HPOM certificate; <alias> is the alias of the OM certificate.

      See Manage Certificates for more information about PKCS #12 and JKS certificates.

      Use the Integration

      Interface Down Incident in NNMi Console shows an interface down incident in the NNMi console. The information in the Source Object and Message columns together describe the situation.

      Interface Down Incident in NNMi Console

        Forwarded Incident in OM for Windows shows the NNMi incident as received by OM for Windows. The image shows the NNMi incident as received by OM for Linux. The and Text columns are equivalent to the Source Object and Message columns in the NNMi console.

      You must enable the display of the custom message attribute column as described in HPOM for Windows (for OM for Windows) and in HPOM for Linux (for OM for Linux).


        Forwarded Incident in OM for Windows


      Forwarded Incident in OM for Linux

      A Normal Situation: Unknown MSI Condition

      The OM server receives forwarded NNMi incidents through MSI (not a regular trap policy). In the OM message browser, the format of the message source is MSI followed by the name of the MSI interface. The condition name corresponds to the condition_id field in the message, which is unset because there is no associated policy.

      • OM for Windows: The policy type is empty.
      • OM for Linux: The message source is of the format:
        MSI: <MSI_Interface>: Unknown Condition.

      Change the Integration Configuration

      1. In the NNMi console, open the NNMi—OM Integration Selection form (Integration Module Configuration > OM).
      2. Click web services implementation.
      3. Modify the values as appropriate.

        • If you know the syntax of the entries in the Incident Filter and Additional OM Servers lists, you can modify the entries directly.
        • If you do not know the syntax for a list item, delete that entry and then re-enter it.
      4. Verify that the Enable Integration check box at the top of the form is selected, and then click Submit at the bottom of the form.

        The changes take effect immediately.

      Disable the Integration

      For All OM Management Servers

      To discontinue the forwarding of NNMi incidents to all OM management servers, follow these steps:

      1. In the NNMi console, open the NNMi—OM Integration Selection form (Integration Module Configuration > HPOM).
      2. Click web services implementation.
      3. Clear the Enable Integration check box at the top of the form, and then click Submit at the bottom of the form.

        The changes take effect immediately.

      If necessary, repeat this process for all NNMi management servers.

      For One OM Management Server

      To discontinue the forwarding of NNMi incidents to only one of the OM management servers, follow these steps:

      1. In the NNMi console, open the NNMi—OM Integration Selection form (Integration Module Configuration > OM).
      2. Click web services implementation.
      3. In the Additional OM Servers list, edit the text to delete the entry (or entries) for the OM management server to disconnect from the integration.

      4. Click Submit at the bottom of the form.

        The changes take effect immediately.