Use > Explore SNMP MIB Source Information > Display a MIB File (source text file)

Display a MIB File (source text file)

Inspecting a MIB fileManagement Information Base files are the basic building block of SNMP communication protocol. SNMP Agents are configured to respond to requests defined by a group of supported MIB files. is useful for determining the date the MIB file was last updated, as well as seeing the syntax for writing MIB files.

There are multiple access points for displaying the MIB file source.

From the MIB Variables View:

  1. NNMi Level-2 Operators and above:
    Navigate to the InventoryMIB Variables view.

  2. Select any row representing a MIB variable.
  3. Do one of the following:

    • Click ActionsDisplay MIB File.
    • Right-click the row and select Display MIB File.
  4. NNMi displays the MIB file's source text file.

From the MIB Form:

  1. Open the MIB of interest using the MIB Form.
  2. Click ActionsDisplay MIB File.
  3. NNMi displays the MIB file's source text file.

From the MIB Browser:

  1. Use the MIB Browser, open the MIB of interest.
  2. Generate SNMP Walk results for the MIB of interest.
  3. Select a row in the results, and click ToolsDisplay MIB File.
  4. NNMi displays the MIB file's source text file.