Use > Access Device Details > IP Address Form > IP Address Form: Capabilities Tab

IP Address Form: Capabilities Tab

[This is the Context-Sensitive Help topic for the IP Address form, Conclusions tab.]

The IP Address Form provides details about the selected IP address.

For information about each tabConcept Link IconSee Also

The IP Address Form: Capabilities tab displays a table view of any capabilities added to the IP Address object by NNMi or an external application. Capabilities enable NNMi and application programmers to provide more information about an IP address than is initially stored in the NNMi database.

For example, NNMi uses the capability feature to identify an IPv4 Anycast Rendezvous Point IP AddressRendezvous Point addresses are loopback addresses used for routers in multi-cast network configurations. or IPv6 Anycast address so it is not polled. NNMi assigns the following capability to the address: com.hp.nnm.capability.address.anycast.

Note Because the values are generated by NNMi or an external application, Capability values cannot be modified.

(NNMi Advanced - Global Network Management feature) Any Capability values added by an NNM iSPI are available on the Global Manager only if that iSPI is also running on the Global Manager.

Capabilities Table
Attribute Description

Table of all of the capabilities associated with the selected IP Address. Use this table to access information about each Capability.

Double-click the row representing a Capability. The IP Address Capability Form displays all details about the selected Capability.

For more information, see IP Address Capabilities Provided by NNMi.