Use > Access Device Details > Physical Sensor Form > Physical Sensor Form: Conclusions Tab

Physical Sensor Form: Conclusions Tab

[This is the Context-Sensitive Help topic for the Physical Sensor form, Conclusions tab.]

The Physical Sensor Form provides details about the selected health metric for the current Physical Sensor.

For information about each tab: Concept Link IconSee Also

Outstanding Status Conclusion Values



Outstanding Status Conclusions

The dynamically generated list of summary statuses of the monitored attribute that contributed to the current overall status of the selected Physical Sensor. Status is set by the Causal Engine.

Each Conclusion listed is outstanding and contributes to the current overall Status.

This view is useful for obtaining a quick summary of the problem description for the current monitored attribute that led up to the Physical Sensor's most current Status.

The status value is correlated based on the most critical conclusions.

Double-click the row representing a Status Conclusion. The Physical Sensor Status Conclusions Form displays all details about the selected Status Conclusion.

The following table describes the possible Conclusions that might appear for a Physical Sensor object.

A Y in the Incident? column indicates that the Conclusion results in an incident.