Use > Access Device Details > Node Sensor Form > Node Sensor Form: Physical Components Tab

Node Sensor Form: Physical Components Tab

[This is the Context-Sensitive Help topic for the Node Sensor form, Physical Components tab.]

The Node Sensor Form provides details about the monitored attribute (for example, Memory  Utilization) related to the current Node Sensor.

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Physical Components Table

Table of all of the Physical Components (Chassis and Cards) that are associated with the selected Node Sensor. Use this table to access information about each Chassis or Card that is associated with the selected Node Sensor. The information displayed includes, but is not limited to, the physical component State, Status, model, type, and serial number, as well as the firmware, software, and hardware version.

Double-click the row representing a the Physical Component of interest. The Chassis Form displays all details about the selected Chassis. The Card Form displays all details about the selected Card.