nnmEnableNpsEtl.ovpl - set up access to a CIFS share from network server


Usage: nnmEnableNpsEtl.ovpl [[-a][-u <username>][-c [-p <password> |-i]][-s <shareName>] [-d <path_to_share>] | [-r] | [-h]

        -a: add share
          -b  remote host (only required for NFS on Linux) - default is NNM FQDN
          -n  use NFS instead of CIFS for sharing (all other options are ignored if this is selected)
          -u: username - Username (or domain\\username) for share access control - default <NpsUser>
          -c: create new local user (if account exists, it will not be recreated)
          -p: password for new local user
          -i: prompt for password (avoids showing password on commandline)
        -r: remove share
            all shares (NFS or CIFS) are removed
        Advanced options:
          -s: share name - default <PerfSpi>
          -d: shared directory - default <$OvDataDir/shared/perfSpi/datafiles>
          -h Usage


Utility to set up a credential based CIFS filesystem share on the server, to be used primarily for setting up shared directory access to the NNMi perfSpi datafiles folder for NPS ETL server(s) to access.

The Network Path to the CIFS share (output by the script) can be used directly when configuring NPS on Windows servers.

The NPS utility, setupSharedDriveAccess.ovpl, can be used on Linux NPS servers to mount the share to a local mountpoint. The mountpoint path is then used to configure NPS.

Example 1: Add a share, dynamically creating new user account, with default username/password/shareName/directory

C:\>nnmEnableNpsEtl.ovpl -a -c

Creating new local user account <NpsUser>

Creating share <PerfSpi> on directory <C:/OV Data Dir/shared/perfSpi/datafiles> for user <NpsUser>

Share details: Share name PerfSpi Path C:/OV Data Dir/shared/perfSpi/datafiles Remark NNMi NPS Shared Directory; Maximum users No limit Users Caching Manual caching of documents Permission BUSHMILLS\NpsUser, FULL

Network Path to Share < \\\PerfSpi > Accessible by user < NpsUser >

Example 2: Remove default share

C:\>nnmEnableNpsEtl.ovpl -r

Share details: Share name PerfSpi Path C:/OV Data Dir/shared/perfSpi/datafiles Remark NNMi NPS Shared Directory; Maximum users No limit Users Caching Manual caching of documents Permission BUSHMILLS\NpsUser, FULL

Removing share <PerfSpi>

The User Account associated with the share must be removed manually


nnmEnableNpsEtl.ovpl was developed by Hewlett-Packard Company.

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