Name — Add or remove replicated custom attribute(s) for nodes, interfaces, cards, and chassis from regional to global NNMi.

SYNOPSIS -add <attrName [-file <filename>]> | -remove <attrName [-file <filename>]> | -list | [-u <username> -p <password>] [-jndiHost <hostName> Default: localhost] [-jndiPort <port> Default: 1099]

DESCRIPTION adds or removes replicated custom attributes for nodes, interfaces, cards, and chassis. By default, custom attributes are not replicated from regional NNMi system to global NNMi system. In this case, admins can add or remove the custom attribute on the global system using this tool.

The -list option lists all the configured custom attributes.

The -add option accepts the name of a custom attribute. The custom attribute that needs to be replicated from regional system to global NNMi.

The -remove option accepts the name of a custom attribute. The custom attribute that needs to be remove from the replication from regional system to global NNMi.

The -file option accepts a file with a single entry specified per line. This option must be used with -add or -remove option. Each line has the following format:

CustomAttributeName # (optional comment to help identify the attribute, if desired) Where: CustomAttributeName = the attribute name of the node, interface, card, or chassis you wish to replicate. Comments can be deliminated with a # character.

Parameters supports the following options:

-add <attrName>

The custom attribute of the node, interface, card, or chassis to add.

-remove <attrName>

The name of the custom attribute to remove.

-file <fileName>

Specify a text file to read the attributes from. Must be used with -add or -remove option

-u <username>

Supply the NNMi administrator username to run the script.

-p <password>

Supply the NNMi administrator password to run the script.

-jndiHost <serverName>

The server JNDI host; default is localhost.

-jndiPort <port>

The server JNDI port; default is 1099.

EXAMPLES -add myAttr

Added the custom attributemyAttr. -remove myAttr

Removes the customer attribute myAttr -add -file myFile

Reads the attributes specified in the myFile file and attempts to add them.

Diagnostics returns the following exit codes:


Operation was successful.


An error occured; see error message for details.

AUTHOR was developed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise.




The admin must know the correct name of the custom attribute created in the regional system. The attributes are case sensitive. There is no validation done when adding the custom attribute that the attribute exist in the regional system.


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