Name — Prints NNMi health information

SYNOPSIS [-u <username> -p <password>] ( -print [quiet|brief|detailed|conclusions|verbose|agents|history] [-refresh] | -activate <conclusions> | -suppress <conclusions> )


The script prints out information about the internal health of NNMi. It supports several levels of output from no output, except for the return code (quiet), to the full health report (verbose).

In addition to viewing the current health of NNMi, you might use the script to suppress or activate individual health conclusions. The administrator might suppress health conclusions if he or she is aware of the problem and does not want NNMi to report more warnings until the issue is resolved.

If the administrator modifies the suppressed list using the script, the modifications take effect on the next health scan. The modifications to the suppressed list continue until the administrator activates them or until the administrator restarts NNMi.


The script supports the following options:

-u <username>

Supply the NNMi administrator username to run the script.

-p <password>

Supply the NNMi administrator password to run the script.

-print <level>

Prints information about the health of NNMi. The level can be one of the following: brief|conclusions|detailed||quiet|agents|verbose

If no level is specified the command will default to brief

-print brief: Prints the overall system status. The value can be one of the following:






-print conclusions: Prints the active and suppressed conclusions.

-print detailed: Prints detailed system health information.

-print agents: Prints the registered agents.

-print quiet: Returns an integer value that represent the system status. The value can be one of the following:

0 - Normal

1 - Warning

2 - Minor

3 - Major

4 - Critical

-print verbose [-filter AgentList]: Prints verbose information for all registered agents. Optionally you can supply a list of comma separated agent names using the -filter option. The verbose output is for support use only.


An optional argument to the -print command which will cause the monitoring system to refresh its information before returning the report.

-suppress <conclusions>

Configures the supplied conclusions to be suppressed until NNMi is restarted or until the conclusion is activated again. Specify conclusions as a comma separated list. You can find active conclusions using the -print conclusions option.

Note that suppressing a conclusion does not imply it would otherwise be active.

-activate <conclusions>

Removes the supplied conclusions from the suppressed list. Specify the conclusions as a comma separated list. You can find suppressed conclusions available to be activated by using the -print conclusions option.


Prints the usage statement.

EXAMPLES -u username -p password -print brief

Prints the overall status of NNMi. -print brief -refresh

Updates and prints the current status of NNMi. If no credentials are specified then the stored password for the logged in user will be used. -u username -p password -print detailed

Prints the current list of health warnings. -u username -p password -print agents

Prints the current list of registered agents that report health related information. -u username -p password -print history

Prints history information of registered health agents.. -u username -p password -suppress "SystemLowSwap,SystemLowSwapPercent"

Configures NNMi to skip checking the health of swap space in absolute terms and also as a percentage. -u username -p password -activate "SystemLowSwap"

Configures NNMi to resume checking for the SystemLowSwap conclusion.

AUTHOR was developed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

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