Name — load and validate formatted incident configuration files

SYNOPSIS { -load filename [-timeout timeout] [-memory memory] [-u <user name> -p <password>] [-jdniHost <host name> -jdniPort <port>] } { -validate filename [-timeout timeout] [-memory memory] [-u <user name> -p <password>] [-jdniHost <host name> -jdniPort <port>] } { -formats sourceFilename -formatd destinationFilename [-u <user name> -p <password>] [-jdniHost <host name> -jdniPort <port>] } { -expression expression }


The is used to load and validate incident configuration files. These configuration files must conform to the required tag format described in nnmincidentcfg.format for each configuration type.

Valid configuration types include the following:


Incident configurations must first have been created using the NNMi console or be loaded into the database using the command.

Before using the command, do one of the following:

*Use the command to create a formatted file. Edit the incident configurations using the required format described in nnmincidentcfg.format.
*Use an editor to create the formatted file with all required tags and modifications using the format requirements described in nnmincidentcfg.format.

When using the command, note the following:

*To avoid errors, if you need to edit complex incident configurations, use the command to create the formatted file rather than using a text editor.
*The content of the formatted file replaces the configurations that are stored in the NNMi database. 
*The also re-formats the incident configuration file by inserting white space where needed to clarify the format hierarchy. This re-formatted file does not contain any original comments.

Parameters supports the following options:

-load <filename>

Loads the formatted incident configuration file you specify into the NNMi database. Invalid file formats are not loaded into the NNMi database. NNMi reports each validation error, including the line number and error.

-validate <filename>

Displays the line number and validation error for all errors encountered in the formatted incident configuration file you specify. It does not load the incident configurations into the NNMi database.

-formats <sourceFilename>

Formats the file you specify and writes the file to the filename specified using -formatd <destinationFilename>.

-formatd <destinationFilename>

Specifies the filename that will contain the formatted version of -formats <sourceFilename>.

-expression <expression>

Validates the specified expression.

-timeout <timeout>

Specifies the transaction time out in seconds that NNMi should use for the command.

-memory <memory>

Specifies the maximum heap size in Megabytes (MB). The minimum <memory> value is 512 MB. The default <memory> value is 1536 MB.

-u <username>

Supply the NNMi administrator password to run the script.

-p <password>

Supply the NNMi administrator password to run the script.

-jndiHost <host name>

The server JNDI host. The default value is localhost.

-jndiPort <port>

The server JNDI port. The default value is 1099.


Load an incident configuration file: -load dumped-config.tag

Validate an incident configuration file: -validate modified-config.tag

Reformat an incident configuration file: -formats custom.tag -formatd formatted-output.tag

Validate an expression string: -expression "ciaName like \"whatTimeIsIt\""

The following example configuraton file contains all of the required tags for an incident configuration of type SnmpTrapConfig :

	*Name MinimalistTrapConfig
	*Oid .
		-Key com.hp.nms.incident.category.Fault
	-MessageFormat Custom message format
	-Severity MINOR

The following example adds an action to the SNMP Trap Incident configuration:

	*Name MinimalistTrapConfig
	*Oid .
		-Key com.hp.nms.incident.category.Fault
                -Command echo "hello" > /tmp/hello.test
                -CommandType SCRIPT_OR_EXECUTABLE
                -LifecycleState InProgress
	-MessageFormat Custom message format
	-Severity MINOR

AUTHOR was developed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise.


NNMi provides example configuration files and a description of the valid formats in the following directory:

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