Name — update the status for a node using the State Poller

SYNOPSIS [ –node <nodename|IP Address> [-tenant tenant name] [-t timeout in secs] [-v] ]


The script enables you to dynamically poll a device that is being monitored. This results in a refresh of key collected state values. When all of the information for the state demand poll has been collected and displayed, the script informs you that the task that you requested is complete.


-node <nodename|IP Address>

Target node name or IP address.

-tenant <tenant name>

Tenant the given node is paired with. This option is useful when node names and IP addresses are non-unique in the topology such as can occur in overlapping address domain environments.

-t <timeout in secs>

Client waits till given timeout in sec.


Displays the detailed verbose log message on console.

-jndiHost <hostname>

Jboss server host. Default is localhost.

-jndiPort <port>

Jboss server port. Default is 1099.

-u <username>

Supply the NNMi administrator username to run the script.

-p <password>

Supply the NNMi administrator password to run the script.


Prints the usage statement.

RETURN VALUE returns the appropriate output shown in the above Parameters section.

When using –v option, you see the information in the following columns:

Column 1: Indicates which protocol is used to collect the data.

Column 2: Indicates which device name was polled.

Column 3: Indicates which MIB instance was polled.

Column 4: Indicates the result of the poll.

Column 5: Indicates a mapped value, if it exists.

AUTHOR was developed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise.



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