Administer > Administer SNMP Traps > Configuring the Times within which the Causal Engine Accepts Traps

Configuring the Times within which the Causal Engine Accepts Traps

When large areas of a network are unavailable at regular and predictable hours, NNMi enables you to moderate the Causal Engine analysis load by inhibiting delivery of traps to the Causal Engine. To inhibit the delivery of traps, as an NNMiadministrator, you configure times within which the NNMi Causal Engine stops accepting traps from the event system.

Note This feature does not interfere with traps delivered to the NNMi console.

Traps that are delivered to the Causal Engine are used to trigger State Poller to poll a node sooner than the schedule dictated by the State Poller Polling Policy. When you inhibit the delivery of traps, NNMi must wait until the scheduled polling interval before obtaining updated information from State Poller. In all cases, the NNMi Causal Engine reaches the same conclusion with or without traps by using state flows from the NNMi State Poller.

To configure times that the Causal Engine stops accepting traps, follow these steps:

  1. Create the following file:

    Windows: %NNM_PROPS%\shared\

    Linux: $NNM_PROPS/shared/

  2. Add the following content to the file:

    PROPERTY NAME: com.hp.ov.nms.apa.trapGateSchedule

    Use the following examples as a guideline:

    In the following example, traps flow at midnight, are inhibited at 8:30 a.m, then flow again at 10:00 a.m., then are inhibited again at 4:30pm:

    com.hp.ov.nms.apa.trapGateSchedule = ENABLE_APA_TRAPS  08:30  10:00 16:30

    In the following example traps are inhibited at midnight, flow again at 8:30 a.m, are inhibited at 10:00 a.m., then flow again at 4:30pm:

    com.hp.ov.nms.apa.trapGateSchedule = DISABLE_APA_TRAPS  08:30  10:00 16:30
  3. Save your changes.
  4. Restart the NNMi management server

    1. Run the ovstop command on the NNMi management server.
    2. Run the ovstart command on the.NNMi management server.