Rate Comparison Parameters Form (SNMP Trap Incident)

[This is the Context-Sensitive Help topic for the Incident Config >>> Comparison Params form. Used in six contexts.]

Custom Incident Attributes (CIAs) are used as parameter values. Parameter values enable accurate identification of duplicate incidents. There are two categories of CIAs:

The group of available CIAs depends on which incident you are configuring for this Rate (for example, CiscoLinkDown). To see which CIAs are available, navigate to an Incident view, double-click an instance of that incident-type to open the Incident form, and navigate to the Custom Attributes tab. The items listed in the table are the CIAs for that particular incident-type. For example, all CiscoLinkDown incidents would have the same group of CIAs shown in the illustration below.

Note You can also use the CIA (varbind) position number.

To specify a CIA to use in the identification criteria for duplicate incidents:

  1. In the Parameter Value field, type (or copy and paste) the exact text string from the Incident form, Custom Attribute tab, Name attribute value:

  2. Click  Save and Close to save your changes and return to the previous configuration form.