MIB Specification Form

[This is the context-sensitive help for the Menu Item:Contexts:MIB Specification Form]

The MIB Specification form enables you to indicate the following:

  • The label to be displayed for each line that appears in the Line Graph  Legend.
  • The MIB Expression NNMi uses to gather the data shown in the graph.

To specify the Line Label and MIB Expression for an SNMP Line Graph Action:

  1. Provide the Basic details for this MIB Specification configuration. (see the MIB Specification Basics table).
  2. Click  Save and Close to save and apply your changes.
MIB Specification Basics
Attribute Description
Line Label

Enter the label that you want to be displayed for each line that appears in the Graph legend.

Type a maximum of 40 characters. Alpha-numeric and special characters (~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _+ -) are permitted.

Note When graphing multiple instances, the <instance_string> is appended to this value. See MIB Expression Form (Line Graph) for more information.

MIB Expression

Use this attribute to specify the MIB information that you want NNMi to poll.

A MIB expression must include at least one MIB Variable. It can also include one or more of the following:

  • Constant
  • Arithmetic operator (+, -, *, /)

If the MIB Expression does not include any arithmetic operators, valid types for any MIB Variable in the MIB Expression include the following: 

  • Integer
  • Unsigned Integer
  • Octet String
  • Counter
  • Counter64
  • Gauge
  • Time_Ticks

If the MIB Expression contains any constants or arithmetic operators, the MIB Expression must evaluate to a numeric type.

Note If the MIB Expression is collecting a single MIB variable of type Time_Ticks, NNMi evaluates the return value as an Integer. Otherwise, it is treated as type Counter.

When evaluating MIB expressions that include MIB variables of type Counter, Counter64, or Time_Ticks, NNMi evaluates the MIB Variable using the difference in value between the most recent poll and the poll before it. If you want NNMi to calculate a rate over time in seconds, divide the MIB Expression by sysUptime. For example:


Tip The sysUpTime variable is a value of hundredths of a second. When you want the rate in seconds, use sysUpTime*0.01 in the MIB expression as shown in the previous example.

Note If you use a MIB variable of type Counter, Counter64, or Time_Ticks in the MIB Expression, NNMi automatically collects sysUpTime values if sysUpTime is not already in the MIB Expression. NNMi uses the sysUptime value to detect a system reboot. Any time a system reboot is detected, NNMi cannot determine the difference in values between polls for any Counter MIB variable and therefore does not calculate the MIB Expression for that poll.

  • If you select a MIB Variable from an Interface Table to include in the MIB Expression, note the following:

    • Line Graph Only. When evaluating MIB Expressions that include MIB variables of type Counter or Counter64, NNMi requests both the high capacity and low capacity counter variable for any interface instance. If the high capacity Counter64 is enabled for any given interface instance, NNMi uses the high capacity counter.
    • Custom Poller Only. When evaluating MIB Expressions that include MIB variables of type Counter, NNMi requests only the low capacity counter information for any interface instance.

You create a MIB Expression by using the MIB Expression form. To access the MIB Expression form, click the  Lookup icon and do one of the following:

  • Select  Quick Find to select an existing MIB expression.
  • Select  Open to edit the current MIB expression.
  • Select  New to create a MIB expression.

See MIB Expression Form (Line Graph) for information about using the MIB Expression form.

Instance Selection Algorithm

Used to specify how you want NNMi to handle instance discovery for Line Graphs that display multiple instances. Possible values are:

  • All - Use when you want NNMi to graph each instance of the object selected by the user.

    Note the following:

    • When a node is selected, NNMi discovers all instances for that node, including the interfaces. When an interface is selected, NNMi graphs all selected interfaces.
    • NNMi ignores any values entered in the Instance List attribute.
    • When the Line Graph menu item is launched, NNMI populates ${snmpAgent.id} and ${hostedOn.snmpAgent.id} with the ID values from the selected objects. The multiple values are separated by a comma character.
    • NNMi displays a maximum of 100 instances. NNMi determines which 100 instances to display using the following calculation:

      100 instances/(number of nodes selected)*(number of MIB expressions for the Action)

  • Instance List - Use when you want to specify the instances to be included in the Line Graph

    Note You must specify the Instance List when using this option.

Instance List (Comma Separated)

Used to identify the instances to be graphed for an object.

If your Menu Item Context is Node and you want to specify which nodes should be included on this Line Graph, enter the instance number for each of the node instances to be included on this Line Graph. For example, to graph CPU values, enter the instance number representing each CPU on the node, separated by commas.

If your Menu Item Context is an Interface, these values are not used and the selected Interface(s)' ifIndex value is used as the SNMP instance.