Add a Custom Attribute to One Object

If you determine that you want to keep track of additional information about a Node, Chassis, Interface, or Card, you can add Custom Attributes to these objects. For example, you might determine that you want to track the owner of your nodes on the network. You might also want to track the serial number for each node. The Custom Attribute value appears in the object's table view and on the object form's Custom Attributes tab. For more information: Concept Link IconSee Also

Tip (NNMi Advanced - Global Network Management feature) If you are a Regional Manager's NNMi administrator and are adding a Custom Attribute, remember to notify your Global Manager's NNMi administrator about that new Custom Attribute name. See Global Manager: Configure Custom Attribute Replication.

Related Topics

Add Custom Attributes to Multiple Objects

nnmloadattributes.ovpl Reference Page

Global Manager: Configure Custom Attribute Replication