Administer > Configure the NNMi User Interface > Customize Object Attributes > Remove Custom Attributes from Objects

Remove Custom Attributes from Objects

NNMi administrators can add Custom Attributes to Node, Chassis, Interface, or Card objects. The Custom Attribute value appears in the object's table view and on the object form's Custom Attributes tab. For more information: Concept Link IconSee Also

Caution When you remove a Custom Attribute name using these procedures, NNMi removes matching name/value pairs from all objects in your NNMi database. This means both Custom Attributes that were manually added or Replicated are removed. Concept Link IconSee Also

To remove a Custom Attribute from an object using the Actions menu (if your role permits you to do this):

  1. Use Ctrl-Click to select each object from which you want to remove all Custom Attributes.
  2. Select ActionsCustom AttributesRemove.
  3. Click OK.

To remove a Custom Attribute from an object using the command line (if your role permits you to do this):

The nnmdeleteattributes.ovpl command line tool enables you to delete Custom Attributes by configuring a comma-separated values (CVS) file.

See the nnmloadattributes.ovpl Reference Page for more information about the nnmloadattributes.ovpl command, including requirements for the CSV file. You must provide a CSV file with a specific syntax and order. Each column in the CSV file has a pre-defined meaning. See the Reference Page for an explanation of each of the following:

nnmdeleteattributes.ovpl [-?] -t <type> (-f <path & filename of csv file>) | (-s <"csv formatted line">) [-u <username> -p <password>] [-jndiHost <hostName> Default: localhost] [-jndiPort <port> Default: 1099]