Add Custom Attributes Using the Command Line

The nnmloadattributes.ovpl command line tool enables you to load Custom Attributes by configuring a comma-separated values (CVS) file. This feature is useful if you have information about a large number of nodes, chassis, interfaces, or cards defined in an external data storage, and you would like to load that information into the NNMi database as Custom Attributes. The Custom Attribute value appears in the object's table view and on the object form's Custom Attributes tab. For more information: Concept Link IconSee Also

For example:

  • Node location information in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet where you track the location of each node: You can save this information as a .csv file. Use the nnmloadattributes.ovpl command to define BldgLocation as a Custom Attribute and load the location values for each node into the NNMi database. You can then create a Node Group with an Additional Filters specification using BldgLocation as the customAttrName and the location of interest, such as Building Five Upper as the customAttrValue.

  • Interface information in a comma-separated value file where you track the name of customers assigned to each interface: Use the nnmloadattributes.ovpl command to define Customer as a Custom Attribute and load the name values for each customer into the NNMi database. You can then create an Interface Group with an Additional Filters specification using Customer as the customAttrName and a customer name, such as Hewlett Packard as the customAttrValue.

Tip (NNMi Advanced - Global Network Management feature) If you are a Regional Manager's NNMi administrator and are adding a Custom Attribute, remember to notify your Global Manager's NNMi administrator about that new Custom Attribute name. See Global Manager: Configure Custom Attribute Replication.

To load Custom Attributes for Nodes, Chassis, Interfaces, or Cards using a comma-separated file:

See the nnmloadattributes.ovpl Reference Page for more information about the nnmloadattributes.ovpl command, including requirements for the CSV file. You must provide a CSV file with a specific syntax and order. Each column in the CSV file has a pre-defined meaning. See the Reference Page for an explanation of each of the following:

nnmdeleteattributes.ovpl [-?] -t <type> (-f <path & filename of csv file>) | (-s <"csv formatted line">) [-u <username> -p <password>] [-jndiHost <hostName> Default: localhost] [-jndiPort <port> Default: 1099]