Add Custom Attributes Using the Actions Menu

Tip (NNMi Advanced - Global Network Management feature) If you are a Regional Manager's NNMi administrator and are adding a Custom Attribute, remember to notify your Global Manager's NNMi administrator about that new Custom Attribute name. See Global Manager: Configure Custom Attribute Replication.

To add a Custom Attribute to multiple nodes, chassis, interfaces, or cards using the Actions menu (if your role permits you to do this):

  1. Use Ctrl-Click to select each object to which you want to add to a Custom Attribute.
  2. Select ActionsCustom AttributesAdd.
  3. In the Custom Attributes dialog, box, enter the following:


    Do one of the following:


    Type the value you want to assign to the Custom Attribute:

    Maximum of 2000 characters. Alpha-numeric, spaces, and special characters (~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _+ -)

  4. Click OK.

    The Custom Attribute value appears in the object's table view and on the object form's Custom Attributes tab. For more information: Concept Link IconSee Also