Change the User Group to Security Group Assignment

This is the context-sensitive link to the Security Group Mapping form.

Required only for Operator or Guest users:

Only NNMi administrators can change Security Group mappings. See About Security Group Mappings.

Tip NNMi administrators can also use the Security Wizard or command line to complete this task. See Remove User Groups from Security Group Mappings or nnmsecurity.ovpl.

To change the User Group to Security Groups assignment use the following instructions:

Note To change a User Group to Security Group assignment, you first delete the existing Security Group mapping.

  1. Select the row representing the Security Group mapping you want to change.
  2. Delete the Security Group mapping by clicking the  Delete icon.
  3. Select the New icon to configure the new Security Group mapping.
  4. Make your configuration choices. (See the Security Group Mapping Attributes table.)
  5. Click  Save and Close to save your changes and return to the Security Group Mappings view.

Note If you change the User Group to Security Group mapping for a user who is currently signed into the NNMi console, the change does not take effect until the next time the user signs in. By default, the NNMi timeout limit is 18 hours. If a user has not signed out within 18 hours, NNMi forces the user to sign out. To change the Console Timeout value, see Configure the NNMi User Interface

Security Group Mapping Attributes
Attribute Description
User Group

Specify the User Group to be assigned to the Security Group.

In the User Group attribute, click the  Lookup icon.

  • To create new User Group, click the  New icon and provide the required information. (See Configure User Groups (User Group Form) for more information.)

  • To select an User Group configuration, click the  Quick Find icon and make a selection.
Security Group

Specify the Security Group to be assigned to the User Group.

In the Security Group attribute, click the  Lookup icon.

  • To create new Security Group, click the  New icon and provide the required information. See Configure Security Groups (Security Group Form) for more information.

  • To select an NNMi Security Group configuration, click the  Quick Find icon and make a selection.
Object Access Privilege

Determines the level of access each User Account in the User Group has to the nodes assigned to its Security Group.

For example:

  • With Object Operator Level 2 access, users can run the MIB Browser's SNMP Walk commands.
  • With Object Administrator access, users can also run the MIB Browser's SNMP Set commands.

In the Object Access Privilege attribute, select a privilege from the drop-down list. NNMi provides the following privileges:

  • Object Administrator
  • Object Operator Level 2
  • Object Operator Level 1 (with more limited access privileges than Level 2)
  • Object Guest

See Object Access Privileges Provided in NNMi for more information.