About Discovery

NNMi spiral discovery automatically updates information after each NNMi discovery. It is a dynamic process and it continuously discovers the existence of network devices, so network changes are quickly detected. On discovering any network changes, it sends a discovery notification to NNM iSPI Performance for QA. NNM iSPI Performance for QA then looks into all the MIBs it supports to discover changes to the network elements it supports.

You can also initiate the discovery of QA probes using command line utility. For more information, see . Also, you can restrict the discovery to discover only a required set of probes/QoS elements in your network by using discovery filters. For more information about discovery filters, see Configure Discovery Filters.

On-Demand Discovery

NNM iSPI Performance for QA discovers the QA probes configured in the network managed by NNMi during each NNMi discovery. However, if you do not want to wait till NNMi discovers, run the following command to discover the QA probes configured on the managed NNMi nodes:

nmsqadisco.ovpl -u <username> -p <password> [- node <nodename>][-all]


  • -u <username>: Type the NNMi administrator user name.
  • -p <password>: Type the NNMi administrator password.
  • -node <nodename>: Type the node name to initiate the discovery of QA probes on the selected node.
  • -all: Type this parameter to initiate the discovery of QA probes on all the managed nodes.

    As a best practice, do not use the -all option for more than 500 nodes.

You must either use the -node <nodename> or the -all parameter to run the command.

-u <username> -p <password> are optional parameters.