Administer > NNMi State Polling > Configure State Polling > Configure Interface Groups and Node Groups

Configure Interface Groups and Node Groups

You create interface groups and node groups in the Configuration workspace. For more information, see Creating Groups of Nodes or Interfaces in the NNMi help.


For example, to configure a node group for ProximiT proxy servers:

  1. Open Configuration > Node Groups and click  New.
  2. Name the group Proxy Servers and check Add to View Filter List.
  3. On the Additional Filters tab, select the hostname attribute, and select the equal (=) operator.
  4. For value, enter the wildcard as prox*

    If you had configured a device profile and device category for the ProximiT devices, you could use the Device Filters tab to access the Device Category selector and base the group on the Proxy Server category you created.

  5. Click  Save and Close on the group definition.

Note You must configure node groups before you can reference them in your interface group configuration.