NNMi requires that the following management information base (MIB) files be loaded into the NNMi database:

  • All MIB variables used in MIB expressions for the Custom Poller feature, line graphs, or both
  • Sensors that NNMi monitors for health (for example, fan or power supply)
  • (NNM iSPI Performance for Metrics) All MIB variables used in threshold monitoring

NNMi requires that the following management information base (MIB) files, or the traps defined in the MIB files, be loaded into the NNMi database:

  • All SNMP traps that you want to forward to a northbound destination
  • (NNM iSPI NET) All MIB variables accessed from Trap Analytics reports

Tip NNMi provides a README.txt file that lists those MIBs that are currently not supported. The README.txt file is located in the following directory:

  • Windows: %NnmInstallDir%\misc\nnm\snmp-mibs
  • Linux: $NnmInstallDir/misc/nnm/snmp-mibs