Remove User Accounts from User Groups

Tip NNMi administrators can also use the User Account Mappings view or command line to complete this task. See Map User Accounts to User Groups (User Account Mapping Form) or nnmsecurity.ovpl.

To remove a User Account mapping from a User Group:

Note When you remove a User Account from a User Group, you are only deleting the mapping between the two. You are not deleting the User Account or User Group from the NNMi database. See About User Account Mappings for more information.

  1. From the Security Wizard main page, select the Map User Accounts and User Groups option.
  2. Navigate to the User Account Mapping table.
  3. Select the row that contains the User Account and User Group mapping you want to delete.
  4. Click  Delete.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to delete each mapping.
  6. When you finish, click the Save and Close button to save your security configuration.

    Note NNMi does not save any configuration changes until you click Save and Close to save your security configuration.